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4501 Found in records as Crossin and Crosylo, but not found in 1860 census with her siblings. Crosslow, Elizabeth (I35202)
4502 Four daughters and seven sons. In addition to the mentioned, among them Arie van den Burg, wife of Petrus J. Smit in BC, wife of Fransiscus Stadhouders (1937-1990), Mrs. Wessel. van den Burg, Johannes Petrus (I19634)
4503 Four sons van den Burg, Maria Christina (I38299)
4504 Fra 1930 er han i Oakland, Alameda County, California, som Harry Severin Halvorsen.
Harold Halverson, 1920– 1973
Mary Halverson, 1922– 1938
Richard Halvorsen, 1926– 1975 
Økland, Halvor Severin Halvors. (I30865)
4505 Frå Bergsvik? Grimstad, Peder Johan Augusts. (I13627)
4506 Fra Berlin til Bergen og Hunstadsvingen i 1921, først som assistentlege ved Gades institutt, siden som Statens epidemilege for Vestlandet og skolelegesjef i Bergen i 1924. Fra 1926 bosatt på Smestad og res. lege på Rikshospitalets barneavdeling. Stoltenberg, Lauritz (I21983)
4507 Fra bruk 3 til bruk 1. Salbu, Ola Anders. (I1417)
4508 Fra Børnes el. Kausland? Kausland, Karie Knudsdtr. (I6158)
4509 Fra Drage, Leikanger, Sogn Peterson, Christina (I10746)
4510 Fra Drøna til Brekke i 1843. Drønen, Amund Amunds. (I10619)
4511 fra Eikeland Nedre gnr, 22 i Fusa sokn Egeland, Knud Oluffs. (I3728)
4512 Frå farens første ekteskap. Toft, Mons Ols. (I23016)
4513 frå Fjellberg Søvik, Joen Ols. (I1229)
4514 Fra Florø til Bergen i 1911.
1922, Lyder Sagens gate 12 
Nilsen, Laurits Elias (I37743)
4515 Fra Førde i Sund ifølge bygdebok for Fana. Førde, Ola Johannes. (I12252)
4516 Fra Gastrud/Torpe? Tretterud, Margit Thomasdtr. (I14376)
4517 fra Håvik II bnr. 3 i Strandvik sokn, foreldra var Sten Lauritzsen - 1648 og Kari Andersdtr. Haavig Haavig, Brita Stensdtr. (I3729)
4518 Frå ho vart enkje var det sonen til systera hennar Mette, Jacob Arnes. Krohnhaugen som hjalp henne med drifta. Han overtok bruket med kår i 1836. Søylen, Kari Olsdtr. (I26992)
4519 Fra Hope eller Leivestad.

!DEATH: Digitalarkivet, Døde i Lindås 1740-1801; ; ; ; ; . . Den 25de Junius Anna JonsDatter Wiig 87 1/2 Aar f 3 Sannæs og Lyhren 1797

!MARRIAGE:Digitalarkivet, Vigde i Lindås 1740-1815; ; ; ; ; . . Ungk. Ole Olsen Grimstad og Enche Anna Jonsdtr. Viig Lyhre Sogn 0201 1746 
Vik, Anna Johnsdtr. (I14540)
4520 Fra Hosanger? Sangolt, Steffen Mons. (I6294)
4521 Fra Hufthammer? Birkeland, Siri Nilsdtr. (I8225)
4522 Fra hun var ti år bodde hun hos sin tante Berta i Bergen. Erstad, Nelly (I13175)
4523 Fra Kårevik? Kårevik, Ingeborg Monsdtr. (I5260)
4524 Frå Kausland bruk 7. Kausland, Inger (I27086)
4525 Fra Kleppe? Førdestrømmen, Johanne Jonsdtr. (I8224)
4526 Frå Knutsgarden.
Andre gang gift med Asle Knudsen Myre f. 1811, 17. juni 1839. 
Nos, Anne Knutsdtr. (I13927)
4527 Fra Lille Milde til Sund 1. juni 1852 sammen med brødrene. Svartholmen, Abæl Cathrine Monsdtr. (I1551)
4528 Fra Lille Milde til Sund 1.juni 1852 Bodde på Hamre da han giftet seg med Abigael i 1857. I 1861 var han bonde.
Bodde på Haugland da han giftet seg med Helvig i 1864. Hun hadde åtte barn fra før.
Husfader, inderst, fisker på Haugland 1865. Forpagter på Nordeide i 1866 (fem km sør for Haugland på Huftarøy). I 1874 var det skifte etter faren på husmannsplassen Svartholm, da var Abraham bosatt på Hufthammer, det var han også i folketellingen 1875. Siden bosatt på Søreide, på søre Haugabrukjet. 
Hjellestad, Abraham Mons. (I601)
4529 Fra Lille Milde til Sund 1.juni 1852 sammen med Abraham, Mons og Abel. Han flytta til Tofta for å tena. Gifta seg med enkja Kari Jakobsdotter på Litle Kinna, ho hadde før vore gift med Markus Jonson f. 1790 i Bergen. Absalon og Kari fekk festesetel på livstid frå oppsitjarane på brn. 3 og bnr. 4 (Bjelkarøy) på Litle Kinna. Absalon var fiskar, Kari dreiv med spinning. I folketeljinga 1900 budde han hos familie på Glesneshaugen. Han døydde på Store-Sangolt. Hjellestad, Absalon Mons. (I1550)
4530 Fra Osboken III s. 15: Jon Jonson ytre Moberg, f. 1717, bygsla Hovland i 1742 då Nils Olson Grindevoll f. 1705, flutte burt. G. 1743 e. Kari Nils dtre. Bakka, f. ikr. 1704, som fyrr hadde vore gift med Engjel Torkjellson Bakka i Sund, s. Skjeie. Kari hadde ei dotter med fyrste mannen, Ragna, f. ikr. 1738, g. 1757 Peder Skjeie, s. S. 5. Jon og Kari hadde desse borni: Lisbet, f. 1744, g. 1772 Eivind ytre Drange, s. y. D. 3, Engjel, f. 1745, g. 1771 Marta Bjaanes, s. indre Moberg 4, Mari, f. 1747, g. Kristen (?) Olson Økland i Austevoll, Kristi, f. 1749 g. 1770 Jakob Andersson Krokeid i Fana, s. F. B. 612, Ingeborg, f. 1751, g. 1781 Lars Kuven, s. Ulven 1, Synneva f. 1753, g. 1781 Anders Andersson indre Drange, b. Sagstad i Fana, s. F. B. 592. Jon sat tolleg godt i det og åtte m. a. ein part i Sørtrønen. Han døydde alt i 1753. Ekkja Kari Nils dtr. stjorna bruket etter at mannen døydde, og det gjekk heile 7 år fyrr ho vart gift at. Lars Nilsson Gåssand, f. 1732, vart i 1760 gift med ekkja Kari Nils dtr. og fekk bygsla bruket. Kari døydde i 1778. Moberg, Jon Jons. (I16656)
4531 Frå Rudningen i Holet. Hadde Halingstad 1838-1844 og Solheimslåtta (Dokken 1846-1857) då dei reiste til Amerika i 1857. Dei vart besteforeldre til den amerikanske minister i Oslo, Lauritz Swenson.
1860, Granby, Nicollet, Minnesota
1870, New Sweden, Horseland, Nicollet, Minnesota, USA 
Rudningen, Svein Sveins. (I28147)
4532 fra Selvig/Gjølanger, far var Elias Knudsen Helset/Selvig, mor var Danielle Danielsdtr. Nore (Rugsund, Davik) g. 1777 i Fjaler.

Reiste og fikk minst seks barn med kobberslager Christian Knudsen Hamre (Anne 1815, Andreas 1816, Anne 1821, Elias 1822 (i Manger), Mari 1822, Kristian 1824 (Totland, Davik), Christine Johanne 1826.

Kristine Eliasdtr. og Kristian Knudsen Hamre døpte datteren Anne Christine 02.01.1815 på Eid, står det kirkeboka: " Den 2den Januari døbt af Hr. Abildgaard et uden-Bøigds Barn kaldet Anna Christine. Forældrene angivet at være Christian Knudsen ved Canon-Baaden fra Askevolds Kald i Søndfjord og Kirstine Eliasdr. Gylanger, den sidstes Gaardnavn Selvig, og hidkommen paa Omvandring ved Betlerie. "

gift 1838 med Daniel Danielson Dørhella (1815-1897 på Håvåg i Askvoll). 
Gjølanger, Kristine Eliasdtr. (I37499)
4533 Fra Sogndal av Sveinsætti, ei av de store romanislektene i Sogn, datter til Sara Sveinsdtr.(1752-1801) og Johannes Halvorsen Fortun (1755-1809) Johannesdtr, Maria (I37528)
4534 Fra Sø - Morten. Laurits Isaksen f. 1858 gift med Mina Kristiansd. Gjøngsbråten. Barn: Alfred, Hans (Tømta), Anna (g.m Halvor Bundli), Martin, Edvin (Hurdal Auto), Ole (Rognstad), Trygve, Erling (Lærer på Strømmen skole), Borghild og Olga ( side 248 ). Videre på Burås ( s. 20 ): Isak Jørgensen Lium fra Feiring gift med Mari Nilsdatter med 13 barn. Morten, Hans Laurits Isaks. Buraas (I17071)
4535 Fra Telavåg Nipen, Kari Monsdtr. (I7983)
4536 Fra Økland. Ifølge bygdeboka hadde han sønnene Niels på Troland og Olle på Taranger, dem har jeg ikke funnet spor av. Økland, Ulve Tørris. (I7046)
4537 Frank born in York State in some records, some say Canada English.

Clarence H Davis. 1895– 1978
George Alloway Davis, 1896–
Edith M Davis, 1900– 1991, m. Appelberg
Alma F Davis, 1902–
Walter F Davis, 1904– 1984
Archie Davis, 1906– 1981
Stella Irene Davis, 1909– 1996 
Davis, Frank John (I29684)
4538 Frank Foss was married in 1914 in Sioux Falls to Mary Lacy, 1875-1962, worked on the Lacey farm. Had three children. One of them was Joseph (Joe) Foss, 1915-, he married June Shakstad in 1942 and later Donna Hall in Arizona. Joe Foss was a famous fighter pilot after the battle of Guadalcanal during WWII. He was later govenor of South Dakota before he moved to Arizona. Joe and June had the children Cheryl, Mary Jo and Frank. Source: Magne M. Nordgard. Foss, Ole Olaus "Frank" (I25401)
4539 Frank.
Weduwnaar van Antje van Rossum. Weduwe Anna Cristina Vogel (1780-) in Amsterdam 1830 
van 't Lam, Franciscus (I40184)
4540 Frans Hellman var jernbanearbeidar i Bruvik, kom til Norge i 1881 frå Skaraborgs län. Då han hadde tent nok pengar - 30 kroner, emigrerte han til USA 5. april 1882 på Allan linie frå Bergen. Billetten hadde nokon betalt der borte.


I februar same året, fekk han dottera Martha med Anna Monsdtr. Løtvedt.

Skreiv seg for Holmquist i tellinga 1885, 1900, 1910, litt om kvarandre då ungane vart fødde, og seinare vart det Herman.

I 1885 bur han i Pembina County med svenske Joh(a)n Herman, 30 år, og kona Mathilda, 28 år, og deira born Josephine 2 år, fødd i Canada og Jacob 1 år, fødd i Dakota. Mathilda Larsdtr. Hellman var kusina hans.

Johan og Mathilda kom til Pembina i 1882. Dei er gravlagde same plassen som Frank. 
Holmquist Herman, Frank (I41095)
4541 Fraskilt kvinde Marte Larsen Nilsen, far John Nilsen og kularbeider Jens Rognaldsen. Family F11672
4542 Fred was a lutheran pastor in Chicago.
1950 Canton, Lincoln, South Dakota, USA 
Eriksen, Fred Markman (I22316)
4543 Frederich Zitzelau, frå Pommeren f. 1678, d. 1735, 57 år, gjestgjetar på Sauesund (1716) g.m. Anna Katrine Blech.Friderich Andreas Zitzelau var gesell på Bryggen i Bergen fra 1694-1700. Skal være født i Wismar i Tyskland.

Barna til Frederich & Anna Katrine Blech: 1. Else Katrine (f. 1716, g. 1735 - Rydland, Sauesund 9) 2. Mathias (f. 1719, g. 1739 (truleg er 1749 rett) - Sauesund 10, Olset 50) 3. Karen (f. 1721 (24 t.)) 4. Jens (f. 1722 (9 vk.)) 5. Karen Sofie (f. 1724, d. 1726) 6. Karen Sofie (f. 1728, g.I. 1756, g.II 1770 - Alden). Ho mor til 8 barn der. 
Zitzelau, Fredrik Andreas (I15548)
4544 Fredrik var enkemann då dei gifta seg. Family F13464
4545 fregattkaptein, partsreder, kjøpmann.
Foreldre var Fredrik Hansson og Børta Fredrichsdtr. i Marstrand, d. 1700 i Bergen.

Fredrich Hansson og Berte Fredrichsdatter er Marstranderslektens stamforeldre. De er siste skudd av en gammel norsk slekt i Marstrand og omegn, og samtidig første ledd av en slektgren, som flyktet til Bergen efter den skånske krig (1675-79) og tok navnet Marstrand(er) som et blivende minne om sin opprinnelige hjemstavn.

Anders Marstrand kom til Bergen som åtteåring, med onkelen etter krigen, vokste opp på på , også kalt eller bare .
30. juli 1696 tok han borgerskap som skipper, og giftet seg med Malene Hansdtr., datter av repslager Hans Aamundsen d. 1717, 'Hans i Bahnen' og Karen Nilsdatter. Hans hadde Bergens eldste reperbane som fra 1680 led sterkt under en hensynsløs konkurranse fra den mektige kommersedirektør Jørgen thor Møhlen, som da startet Bergens annen reperbane.
Kilde: Marstranderslekten, ved lektor Finn Marstrander 
Marstrand, Anders Fredrichs. (I29303)
4546 Froestad br.2 ut av slekta i 1818. Arne fekk bygsel på garden Klyve i 1722 og hadde han til 1751. Han var ein velhalden mann som hadde pengar til overs. Soleis hjelpte han versønene sine med å løysa gardane sine både i Øvre Vik og i Klyve. Arne var i heren og låg i Fredrikstad i 1718, var truleg med og forsvara Halden. Froestad, Arne Lars. (I5307)
4547 From 1830 and onward found in censuses for Jackson, Shelby, Indiana, USA.

James Sandifer (1815-)
Mary Copeland Sandifer (1820-1906)
Nancy D. Sandifer (1823-died young)
Polly Sandifer
Elizabeth Sandifer (1825-1917)
Martha Sandifer (1828-)
Samuel R. Sandefur (1829-1898)
Joseph Wesley Sandifer (1834-1918)
Sylvester W. Sandifer (1841-1904) 
Sandefur, Samuel E. Durham (I22194)
4548 From 1856 till 1891 warmoezier, bij eigen huwelijk in 1856 and 1895 bij huwelijk Gijsbertus JJ.
Resident aan de Wetering 79, Amsterdam
Gemüsegärtner (vegetable gardener) 
Overwater, Johannes Tobias (I19727)
4549 From Kaleidoscopic Family Bass by Christine Knox Wood. Marr. from IGICENSUS:

1850 Boone co, 8th Dist Edward Bass 24 Mmerchant 1500 b. Mo Ellen Bass 20 F "Ellen (Ellender-Eleanor) bur Goshen Primative Baptist Church, Sec 26 T46 R 13 Cedar Twp same cemetery as Perry & Eliza Jane (Wiseman)Spencer.

1860 Boone co, Mo Cedar Twp 423/411 Edwin Bass 33 Mfarmer 200 b. Mo Mary J. Bass 25 F

1870 Henry co, Mo Tebo Twp p 48 28July 1870 355/362 Edwin Bass 43 m wret. Hardware man b. Mo Mary J. " 37 f wkeeps house " Nancy Bass* 81 f wN.C. Sarah Slaughter 16 f wdomestic sevt. Mo Andrew J. Bass 23 m wRet. Hdw man "*this is Nancy (Patton) Bass, mother of Edwin-widow of Lawrence Bass
Primary Source was The History of Henry and St. Clair Counties, Missouri St. Joseph, Mo original printing by St. Joseph Steam Printing Company National Historical Company, 1883. re-print byHenry County Historical Society Clinton, Mo., July 1, 1968.ppg 555-556 (abstracted)


His father, Lawrence Bass, originally from Baltimore, Maryland, moved to Tennessee and then to Boone co, Mo. His mother was formerly Nancy Patten, of North Carolina. They were married in Nashville, Tenn. Edwin was the twelfth of a family of thirteen children. He married Miss Mary Jane Spencer in Jan 1856, she was the daughter of Perry Spencer, of Boone co, who was born in Maryland. Her mother's maiden name was Eliza Jane Wiseman, daughter of James Wiseman, of Virginia. Edwin Bass, the subject of this sketch, died at is home 15 Oct 1882. Politically he was a democrat, and an exemplary member of the M. E.Church, south. Edward Spencer, brother of Mrs. Bass, came to Windsor in 1870 and has since made his home with his sister. He was born in Boone county in 1825. ibid; p 386
Apr 1873 school board election-Edwin Bass appointed Treasurer ibid p 387
Election Oct 15, 1878 Alderman First Ward--E.Bass ibid p 388-1879
Edwin Bass Mayor--also 1880 ibid p 389
In April1874, Treasurer of the town of Windsor, Edwin Bass ibid p 393-4
Laurel Oak Cem-laid out 1 Mar 1871 Company incorporated 29 Apr 1872 one of the incorporators Edwin Bass

EDWIN BASS Death of this Highly Respected Citizen at Windsor lastSunday--Brief Sketch of an Industrious Life--His Christian Character-------------------------------------
Edwin Bass, for seventeen years a resident of this county, died Sunday morning October 15, 1882, at his residence in Windsor, aged 55 years. Our Windsor correspondent thus writes;The saddest event which we have to chronicle is the death of Mr. Edwin Bass, of the firm of Bass & Kelly, the well known merchants. Mr. Bass was sick about two weeks, and his disease, which was typhoid fever, soon developed a malignacy that made his physicians and his friends dispair of his recovery. He was unconscious during most of the last days before his death. When his death was announced in the Southern Methodist Church just before services begun, and the bell began to toll, sadness oppressed the heart of everyone present, and tears flowed from the eyes of many who have so often seen him at that hourenter the church where he loved to worship. The remains were interred in the Windsor Cemetery on Monday morning after impressive funeral services at the home by Rev. Springer, when the gloom and cheerlessness of the weather seemed in accord with the hearts of the mourners.

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Edwin Bass was born Feb 14, 1827, in Boone County, Mo. His father, Lawrence Bass, was one of the pioneer settlers in that county and came originally from near Nashville, Tenn. He has several brothers and sisters and a large circle of relatives now residing in Boone county. He passed his early life on his father's farm, who cultivated largely and engaged also in tanning. At the age of 18, Mr. Bass began his career as a merchant, in the old town of Nashville, on the Missouri river, which spot is now completely swept away, having been undermined and fallen in by the constant strong currents. Later he did mercantile business at Claysville with his family, where he erected himself a commodious residence, gathered about him considerable property, and also owned and managed anextensive farm. This continued his home until about 1864, when he sold out his store to his partner, Richard Spencer. He removed then to a farm in Callaway County, just opposite Jefferson City, where he remained about one year. During this year he purchased a stock of goods in connection with R. W. Major and sent them to Sedalia where a store was established under management of J. M. Burris. In 1865 he removed his family to Windsor, where he purchased the hotel property now known as the Bass house, from Samuel Duncan. In the same year he also removed the stock of goods from Sedalia to Windsor, and reopened under the firm name of Bass & Major on the spot where the present brick store house is located. The old building in which he opened was pushed to the rear of the lot and is now used for a warehouse. In 1866 or '67 he became sole owner of the store and stock. In 1868 he sold the stock of goods to Messrs. Tyron Bros who occupied the house until the summer 1870. During the whole of 1868-69 he gave much of his time to opening a new farm 2 miles east of Windsor, which he owned at time of his death. In the spring of 1869 he again engaged in the merchantile business under the firm name of A. J. Bass & Co. Eighteen months later the interest of A. J. Bass was purchased, when the firmof Bass & Kelly (Edwin Bass and Jno. S. Kelly) was established, Kelly's connection dating from the spring of 1869. Under this management business prospered, and in 1874 they erected their present two story brick business house 24 x 70 feet, which is yet nearly the largest merchantile house in this town. This business will still bemaintained by the surviving partner. Deceased was a life-long christian. His membership in the M.E.Church, south dated from very early life. He was a zealous worker, always active in the local organizations where he made his home, as church steward and Sunday School superintendent. He contributed liberally to all church work and spread of the gospel. He was a friend of the poor, and never turned away empty handed those to whom charity should be bestowed. He was generous, kindhearted, attentive and active in business, and as a citizen was a hard worker in whatever capacity he was engaged. In his death the county loses one of the most valuable and useful men, and Windsor one of its most interprisingand exemplary citizens. He leaves a widow and a large circle ofrelatives and friends to mourn his death.
Microfilm The Henry County Democrat, Clinton, Mo Thursday, October 19, 1882

Abstracted; Will of Perry Spencer; Boone county, State of Missouri 2nd April A.D. 1862 Final settlement; August 1863 names; my daughter Mary Jane, wife of Edwin Bass; my daughter Eliza Ann Spencer; my daughter, Susanna Spencer; my sons, Richard Spencer, Gilpin Spencer, Edward Spencer, and James Henry Spencer. Son Gilpin, son-in-law EdwinBass, Executors;
tracts of land; Southwest fractional quarter of section twenty-six,township forty-six, range thirteen (upon which my dwelling housestands) containing one hundred and thirty-six acres 38/100 also the west half of the south east quarter of section twenty-six, townshipforty six, range thirteen, containing eighty acres, less two and ahalf acres given to Goshen Church, also the south east quarter of theSouth east quarter of section twenty-six townsip forty-six rangethirteen, containing forty acres, also sixty acres to be taken in atriangular form from the north west corner of the north west quarterof section thirty-five, township forty-six range thirteen being inall, three hundred and sixten 38/100 acres less two and a half acresgiven to Goshen Church aforesaid. (to son Gilpin)to sons Edward Spencer and James Henry Spencer the following tracts ofland, viz-the north east quarter of Section thirty-five, townshipforty-six, range thirteen, containing one hundred and sixty acres,also the balance of the north west quarter of Section thirty-fivetownship forty-six, range thirteen being one hundred acres, and in alltwo hundred and sixty acres.

Boone co, Mo Susanna Spencer m 22 Oct 1868, Judge John Smith Kelly

Perry Spencer had original Land Patent Boone co, Mo 1824 Twp 46-N

Perry Spencer b. Maryland d 21 Apr 1852 age 65 yrs.
Eliza Jane (Wiseman) Spencer d 14 Nov 1845 age 35 yrs 9 m
James Wiseman-father of Eliza Jane see also George P. Bass # 2-2ABBR
Kaleidoscopic Family Bass 1769-1971ChrisTITL Kaleidoscopic Family Bass 1769-1971
AUTHOR: Christine Knox Wood. Privately Printed 1971, Lubbock, Texas 
Bass, Edwin (I20158)
4550 From Some Notable Persons in First Street Cemetery of Waco, Texas, compiled by T. Bradford Willis, DDS, MSD:

Ephraim P. Massey, 1818-1896. A native of Giles County, Tennessee. A son of Ephraim M. Massey. Came to Grimes County, Texas in 1862 and to Waco in 1866. Served as chief justice of McLennan County in 1873 and as county judge of McLennan County from 1874-1876. Served as a trustee of the Waco (now First) Presbyterian Church. Was a member of Waco Lodge No. 92, A. F. and A. M. 
Massey, Judge Eprahim Patrick (I27520)

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