Petri Rouwen
(1712-) |
Petri Rouwen
Generelle notater: His father was also Petri Rouwen b. 1681, who was first married to Christinae Lokkum around 1700, not in Emmerich, probably in her parish. Christina was mother of this Petri. His fathers second to Margaretha Kemkens in 1715, third to Annae Mariae Schaaps around 1730, or there were several Petri Rouwen in the same parish. Petri giftet seg med Margaretha Faesen i 1735 i Sankt Alegundis katolisch, Emmerich, Rheinland, Prussia. (Margaretha Faesen ble født omkring 1715 i Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.) |
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