John David Shannon
- Født: 16 apr 1798, Williamson Co, Tennessee
- Ekteskap (1): Mary Polly Goode den 25 sep 1817 i Williamson Co., TN
- Død: 12 apr 1862, White River Township 63 år gammel
- Begravet: Parsons Family Cemetery, Old Oto, Stone Co. MO
Generelle notater:
John D. Shannon was the first sheriff of the territory that is now Taney and Stone County, Missouri.
Washington, May, 1860
Letter to John D. Shannon from Washington National Monument Office:
Sir, Agreeable to instructions, I have to request that you will act as Collector for the Society during the taking of the census in your district. Should you feel disposed to undertake the duty, and it be with the consent of the Marshal in your ditrict, a commission of fifteen per cent. will be allowed you out of the gross amount of your colections. You will also deduct the cost, from said collections, of a book necessary for the purpose, and make your returns and pay te nett amount collected to the Marshal of your district, who will account for and remit the same to the Society. The enclosed instructions are sent for your guidance. Very respectfully, your obediant servant, John Carrol Brent, Secretary.
John giftet seg med Mary Polly Goode, datter av Charles B. Goode og Elizabeth Halbert, den 25 sep 1817 i Williamson Co., TN. (Mary Polly Goode ble født den 26 des 1797 i Stokes County, NC, døde den 3 mar 1891 i Stone, Missouri, USA og ble begravet i Parsons Family Cemetery, Old Oto.)