Tofterå Slettemoen genealogy



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
10701 Parents: Martinus Wijnands and Catharina Koelewijn Wijnands, Anna (I39936)
10702 Parents: Martinus Zonneveld og Alida Boogaards

Kinderen bei Cor en Johanna:
1. Martinus Adrianus Gerardus.
2. Maria Alida Johanna.
3. Gerardus Johannes.
4. Adrianus Leonardus Maria (Aad).
5. Cornelis Adrianus Antonius.
6. Johannes Cornelis Joseph.
7. levenloos.
8. Victor Jozef Maria. 
Zonneveld, Cornelis Martinus Franciscus (I23668)
10703 Parents: Mathias Franck and Christina van Huls Franck, Hendrik (I33251)
10704 Parents: Mathias Mayer and Katharina Buschholzer Mayer, Maria Catharina (I33963)
10705 Parents: Mattheus Jacobus Koelemij and Paulina Warmer Koelemij, Anna Grada (I30356)
10706 Parents: Matthijs Meiman and Gerritje Overmaas Meijman, Joanna (I34056)
10707 Parents: Meerten van Riet (ca 1670-1734) and Gertrud Bongenaar (ca 1670-1732)
1732 Woonplaats: Vleuten, by den Oudenrhyn. Testament. 
van Riet, Hendrik Mertens (I33639)
10708 Parents: Michiel Petrus Janssen en Willemina Hendrika Gumsing Janssen, Petronella Cornelia Francisca (I18880)
10709 Parents: Myron E Debunce and Rosella Larsen DeBunce, Boyd William (I28862)
10710 Parents: Nicolaas Antonius Bergkamp and Cecilia van Egmond
m2. 1949 to Gijsbertha Woutera Maria Stut 
Bergkamp, Petrus Hugo (I32456)
10711 Parents: Nicolas Hennes, tisserand, *28.12.1849 Eupen, +26.04.1933 Eupen and Maria Theresia Hubertine Pelzer , *15.03.1844 Vaals Hennes, Jean Joseph (I39931)
10712 Parents: Nis (Niß) Christiansen Duborg and Karen Heicksdr Petersen (1748– 1816) m. 1785 in Hellevad, Åbenrå-Sønderborg, Danmark

Nis Christian Duborg, 1812–
Jens Christian Duborg, 1814–
Karen Nissen Duborg, 1819–
Anna Lispet Nissen Duborg, 1819– 1890
Maria Duborg, 1821–
Lorenz Christian Duborg, 1824–
Anna Duborg, 1826–
Anna Lena Duborg, 1829– 
Duborg, Christian Nissen (I40283)
10713 Parents: Olav Johannesen and Gunnhilde Larsdtr. Totland, Samnanger Totland, Johannes Ols. (I18696)
10714 Parents: Orlando and Margaret Streshly, he was born in Virginia, she in Ireland. Streshly, James Madison (I28280)
10715 Parents: Oscar Hjalmar Tidblom and Gertrude Ström Tidblom, Ida Chorlette (I30145)
10716 Parents: Partain and Montgomery Reviea, Mary Alice (I27621)
10717 Parents: Paulus Michon en Peternella Buijs Michon, Pieter (I20108)
10718 Parents: Per Persson (1841– 1921) and Brita Olsdotter (1854– 1920)
Brother Olof Lofström in Furudal 1932.

Emigrated 1905 from Laxsjön, via Trondheim and Liverpool to Quebec. 
Löfström, Anders Edvard Persson (I37672)
10719 Parents: Peter Bass of Maryland and Sarah M. Jackson of KY.

Brothers Peter (b 1771) and Lawrence (b 1780) BASS moved from Bardstown KY to Davidson county, Tennessee about 1803. Peter had just married Anna Stone and Lawrence married Nancy Patton on Oct 15, 1803 (in Nashville?). Peters wife died in childbirth May 14, 1809 in Nashville where she is buried. Lawrence and Nancy had may have had son George in Nashville. Both families left shortly after 1810.

Notes in Bass Family Bible state that Peter Bass (abt 1769-18. May 1829 Smithland, Livingston, KY) came to Baltimore from Holland, was originally surnamed BEST, and was 99 years old when he died in 1829.

Home in 1840: Cedar, Boone, Missouri, 7 free white persons, 12 slaves.
1850: District 8, Boone County

Lawrence said to have had 13 children.
He was one of the "Commissioners" to locate a "Seat of Justice" in Boone County, Missouri. A town company was formed and called the "Smithton Company" which bought a tract of land, surveyed and laid out the town of Columbia.

Will, December 18th, 1852: "To My beloved wife Nancy Bass in lieu of her driver, the plantation on which we now recide, being the West half of section No one of Range No 12 and the west half of the North West quarter of section No eight all in township No Forty Six of Range No Eleven, containing in all about four hundred acres, during her lifetime of widowhood, together with all my slaves and their increase, during her lifetime or widowhood, should my wife Nancy Bass wish at any time to give or distribute any of our slaves to any of our children herinafter named she can do so by having them carefully appraised and the child or heir receiving the slave or slave shall receipt to my executor for the valuation of the said slave or slaves who shall charge the same to said child or heir, which amount shall stand agains said child or heir and be deducted out of his or her par of my estate on a final settlement, toghether with all my horses, cows, oxen, mules, sheep and hogs or stock of all kid which may be in possession of at the time of my death, also all the household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils of all kinds together with all other atricles not otherwise disposed of in this will during her lifetime in widowhood and at the death or marriage of my said wife all the property hereby divised or bequeathed to her as aforesaid, on so much or may remain undisposed of whall be sold or divided by my executor so as to make an equal division of all my estate amongst all of our children : Sarah Jackson, George P. Bass, Augustus Bass, John S. Bass, Peter Bass, Edwin Bass, Eli M. Bass, Parilee Duncan, Julyanne Stone and the heirs of Theophilus Bass and Thomas Bass, to their heirs and assigns forever.
Peter Bass and Edwin Bass, executors."
Probate June 20-23rd, 1856, Boone county, Missouri. 
Bass, Lawrence (I20791)
10720 Parents: Peter Degens en Janna Elisabeth Bartha de Wit Degens, Johannes Gradus (I18924)
10721 Parents: Peter Renkens and Elisabeth Gertrudis Verstegen Renkens, Maria Theresia (I22681)
10722 Parents: Petri Kirch and Catharinae Melbuesch Kirch, Catharina Gertrudis (I33944)
10723 Parents: Petri Ricken and Elisabetae Van Rossum, sister Elisabeta b. 1731 Ricken, Gerardae (I24233)
10724 Parents: Petrus Cordelie and Antonia, witness Henrica de Man. Utrecht, archive 711, inventory number 69, folio 65; Cortelie, Theodora (I24463)
10725 Parents: Petrus Courtelie and Antonia Berents. Witness: Bernardus.
Utrecht, archive 711, inventory number 69, folio 51. 
Courtelie, Theodorus (I24464)
10726 Parents: Petrus Heemskerk and Agatha Bakker Heemskerk, Wilhelmina (I19187)
10727 Parents: Petrus Hendricus Stroeven en Aletta van Geelen Stroeven, Petrus Hendricus (I18830)
10728 Parents: Petrus Keijzer en Maria Steijnen Keijzer, Jacobus Johannes (I18978)
10729 Parents: Petrus Wouters en Johanna Maria Portengen Wouters, Everarda Johanna (I18912)
10730 Parents: Philip Le Brun (1816– 1889) and Marie Alexandre (1812– )

Jinny Le Brun, 1860–
Alexander Le Brun, 1869– 1932
Jane Esther Le Brun, 1871– 1941
Mary Ann Le Brun, 1873– 1938
John Lewis Le Brun, 1874–
Charles Victor Le Brun, 1875– 1928
William Peter Le Brun, 1877– 1932
Emily Ann Le Brun, 1879– 1906
Ann Elizabeth Le Brun, 1880– 1943
Henry George Le Brun, 1881– 1954
Josephine Le Brun, 1883– 1968
Fanny Rose Le Brun, 1885– 1969
George Thomas Le Brun, 1889– 
Le Brun, Alexandre Joseph (I36256)
10731 Parents: Piet Kopjes Niemann (1856-1929) and Berendina van Werven (1856-1920). Niemann, Alida Margaretha (I37546)
10732 Parents: Piet van Hattum en Gerrigje van der Wielen van Hattum, Klaasientje (I18845)
10733 Parents: Pieter Augustinus and Jannetje Wassenaar Augustinus, Albert (I33256)
10734 Parents: Pieter Barels and Willemina van Doorn Barels, Pieter (I34091)
10735 Parents: Pieter Claasz van der Hans en Neeltje Huijbertsdr. van der Zwil van der Hans, Marijtje Pietersdr. (I19076)
10736 Parents: Pieter Claazen Rietveld and Maartie Cornelis van der Spek Rietveld, Cornelis Pietersz (I33219)
10737 Parents: Pieter de Langen and Johanna van den Hoven de Lange, Cornelis Pietersz (I33427)
10738 Parents: Pieter Frasz Onderwater and Anna Klasdr de Boer. Onderwater, Claasje Pietersdr (I30406)
10739 Parents: Pieter Gorzeman, tuinder by profession and Klazina van Balen Gorzeman, Arentje (I39817)
10740 Parents: Pieter Janse Nobelen and Francisca van Tol 1739-1807
Nobelen, Aaltje (I33164)
10741 Parents: Pieter Jorisz Heemskerk en Antje Florisdr Slingerland
Heemskerk, Maria (I27419)
10742 Parents: Pieter Koningsbruggen, geboren te Haarlem, getrouwd te Haarlem met Marijntje Bruggeman, geboren te Haarlem. Koningsbrugge, Aaltje (I18987)
10743 Parents: Pieter Marcus Luca en Hendrika van Loenen Luca, Willem Albert (I19015)
10744 Parents: Pieter Schottel and Jacoba Gamelkoort Schottel, Pieter (I34026)
10745 Parents: Pieter van Dam and Adriana Augustinus van Dam, Albertus Johannes (I33094)
10746 Parents: Pieter van der Maat en Cornelia van Klink. van der Maat, Gerarda Hendrica (I19999)
10747 Parents: Pieter van Duin en Wilhelmina Mooijekind van Duin, Cornelis (I23664)
10748 Parents: Pieter van Eeden (1716-) and Engeltje Westerbeek (1711-1792)
van Eeden, Jan Pieters (I34416)
10749 Parents: Pieter Wilmse van Schie, Jannetje Claasdr Swanevlugt van Schie, Claas Pietersz (I24510)
10750 Parents: Rasmus Gundersen Friestad and Kirsten Abrahamsdatter Friestad, Kristine Rasmusdtr. (I29447)

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