Tofterå Slettemoen genealogy



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
11051 Remarried Joseph Ulrich. Sweigart, Rebecca (I28952)
11052 Remarried to Steven Daniels Groeneveld in 1774, his late wife was Jacobje Cornelis. de Wit, Antonia (I33731)
11053 Repslagerdreng i 1875.
1930, bor han som enkemann med søstra Andriane i Littleton, Middlesex, Mass., står som emigrert 1880 i census. Andreas og Andriane gifta seg med søsknene Margaret og Patrick Dorsey. 
Andersen, Andreas Olai (I27301)
11054 Repslagersvend i 1858, 1870 og 1891

1870 i Stølesmuget:
1875, 23-173:
1885, Rebslagersvend hos Chr. Irgens.
1891, Nye Sandvigsvei 84:
1900, omtrent samme adresse: 
Andreassen, Peder Andreas (I42803)
11055 Res. kap. Os Astrup, Hans Niels. (I4251)
11056 Residence 1624 Colledge Land, VA
Arrival 1637 Virginia 
Osborne, Thomas Jr (I28601)
11057 Residence at birth: Noordwijk aan de duinkant van den Burg, Petrus (I19641)
11058 Residence: Noordwijk op Langeveld 20 van den Burg, Catherina (I19644)
11059 Restauratør. Rasmussen, Mikael (I39808)
11060 Ret.Fireman-City-Detroit, married to Grace E. Van Poucker
Tucker, Ralph M. (I22152)
11061 Rev M.O. Waldal
Parents: Ole Mons. Valdal og Karen Marie Jonsdtr., christening Dec 5, 1858.
Left Norddalen in 1879, according to the church record.

1891 • Brule, South Dakota
1900 • Peru & Rock Creek towns, Dunn, Wisconsin
1905 • Rock Creek, Dunn, Wisconsin
1921 • Cymric, Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada
1925 • Bromhead, Saskatchewan, Canada 
Waldahl, Mons Ols. (I28870)
11062 Reverend and clergyman. Hjemme på besøk i 1902. Hanson, Oliver L. (I32265)
11063 Revisor. Mor var Julianna Maleska Ehlert Ehlert, Julius Matthaeus (I39646)
11064 Revolutionary patriot, Pitt, NC, British Colonial America. Served on Safety Committee Pitt Co NC.
1790 Census Pitt Co NC. 
Moore, Edward Charles I (I27523)
11065 Revolutionary War soldier.

"John Forgason and his parents had arrived from Poquoson, York County, Virginia about 1769, and had settled at Hick's Ford in Meherrin Parish, Brunswick County (the place is now known as Emporia, and is in Greenville County). Hannah and John were married about 1774-1775, in Brunswick County. In July 1776, John and Hannah purchased land from Hannah's father, William Barrow of Brunswick County. They bought 200 acres for 70 Pounds, and it was located in Meherrin Parish, Brunswick County. (Brunswick Co., VA Deeds, Vol 12, 64-66).

John was drafted for his first term of service in the Revolutionary War from Brunswick County near Hick's Ford in the fall of 1777.

Following John's first military experience guarding the area of Smithfield, Virginia from British foraging raids, he was released from the Militia. It was at this time, on 22 October 1779, that Hannah and John sold their land in Meherrin Parish, Brunswick County, Virginia, where Hannah and John are named in a deed. They moved to property at Kerby's Creek at the juncture of the Dan River in Guilford County, North Carolina. They eventually received a Patent of 166 acres from the State of North Carolina. (Rockingham County Deed Book C, 1790; pg 189, at Wentworth, NC) The Ferguson plantation was contiguous to that of Moses Barrow, Hannah's brother. (This part of Guilford County would become Rockingham County in 1785,)

"John was drafted to serve in the militia in various North Carolina campaigns on three more occasions. By June, 1801, Hannah had fourteen children. At least one and maybe two of the oldest daughters were married before the youngest, Sarah, was born.
reports of lands far away and across the Ohio River that eventually led John Ferguson to take his family to Indiana to settle in the newly opened fertile lands.

"Hannah was never mentioned in documents after the family moved to Ohio/Indiana. She probably died in Rockingham County, North Carolina, before the family moved in 1811."
(Note: She is accounted for in the 1810 census of Rockingham County.)
From Richard Oyler's "Ferguson Ancestors and Descendants" and The Barrow family history compiled by Sandra Paser.

1) Mary Ferguson, born April 6, 1776, died April 1849
2) Martha "Patsy" Ferguson, born November 22, 1777
3) Rebecca Ferguson, born January 15, 1779
4) William Ferguson, born March 9, 1781 in what is now Stokes Co North Carolina.
5) David Ferguson, born June 7, 1783
6) Nathan Ferguson, born May 25, 1785
7) John Henry Ferguson, born February 5, 1786
8) Elisabeth Ferguson, born October 12, 1787, died September 1, 1888
9) Joseph Ferguson, born October 12, 1787, died January 29, 1848
10) Benjamin Ferguson, born August 31, 1790
11) Hannah Ferguson, born January 16, 1792
12) Moses Ferguson, born December 23, 1793
13) Amy Forgason, born December 19, 1796
14) Sarah Ferguson, born June 6, 1801

It was in Union Co that John Forguson married his second wife, Bethena "Bethany" Deacons. They were married May 26, 1828, by a justice of peace, Samuel McLean in Brownsville Township. A copy of their marriage record is on file in the county courthouse. John was 73 years old and Bethany was only 34, less than half his age.

The following December after his second marriage, John and Bethena gave birth to a son whom they named Jonathan. And in March of 1831, at the age of 76 John was the proud father of his sixteenth child who was named after her mother, Bethany. These two births are recorded along with the other fourteen in the Forguson Family Bible.

After the birth of Bethany in 1831, John and his family moved from Union Co where they had lived for about 18 years. They again headed west to Boone Co Indiana, named for Daniel Boone, and settled on the Sugar River near Thorntown just northwest of present day Indianapolis.

The 1840 census for Boone Co listed him as being between 60-90 years old. He was 87 whe he died in 1842. 
Ferguson, John (I20281)
11066 Revolutionary War, 4 PA Reg.
DAR Established Patriot
4th Reg., Pennsylvania Continental Line

George's first wife was Esther Campbell. They married in about 1763. George and Esther had three children: Mary, William, and Margaret.

Esther died about 1773.

Left Ireland and came to York Co., Pennsylvania, arriving in about 1774.

George married again after he was in Pennsylvania. The name of his second wife is not known. George and his second wife had four children: Wilson, John, Martha (m. McLaughlin), and David.

After the Revolutionary War, in about 1790, George moved to Kentucky. He was in Woodford County, Kentucky in 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795.

He was in Jefferson County, Indiana, by 1813. Here the family built a fort called Buchanan's station, as a defense against the Indians. A smaller replica of the original blockhouse, was rected on the same site and was dedicated on August 26, 1927 by the Indiana daughters of the American revolution.

George Buchanan is considered an established Patriot by the Daughters of the American Revolution. His Patriot number is A-016392. His service is noted as having paid the supply tax in 1779, and having served in the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment. 
Buchanan, George (I28480)
11067 Richard og Anna bodde i Norfolk, Virginia og Harrison, Hudson, New Jersey. Av barna var Hildegun (Hilda) født i Norge, de neste 10 over there, Florence?, Clarence, Berte, Robert, Mabel, Agnes, Ethel, Minnie, Mildred, Allen, Irvin, William, noen av disse kan være første og andre fornavn på samme barnet, det varierer litt i tellingene, og noen døde små. Krogh, Richard Antons. (I23920)
11068 Ridder. Jan van Leyden
Wife's last name: Zeewse 
Steenvoorden, Jan Gerritsz (I22765)
11069 ridefogd, Hytteskr. Innset. (Bergskr. Kvikne) 1655: Fullmektig 1649, Sogneprest i Eidanger Hals, Jens Niels. (I166)
11070 Rie is al op 18jr leeftijd al klooster gegaan 1914, at Noordwijk Binnen. Zusters van het Societät J. M. J. te 's Bosch - Sister Adolphino. She lived at Noordwijk 1915-16, Overveen from 1916 to 1920. Where she gained her diploma from Bewaarschool A.

1920-1928 she is registered with the Gerardus Majellaschool at Gr. Wittenburgerstraat in Amsterdam. From there she was moved to Overveen 28-37, Nijmegen Mariënbosch 37-40, Eindhoven St. Bern 40-55, Sevenbergen St.J. 66-62, Hoogerheide II and II 62-82, and Heeswÿk Cunera from 82, where she died.

In the Bevolkingsregister for Rotterdam, she is later registered with St Agnes Gesticht, Liefdezusters in Rotterdam and working as resident staff at Bronkhorst 42, St. Joseph-Gesticht. 
Overwater, Maria Antonia Josephina (I32657)
11071 rijwielhersteller, garagehouder, werkmeester DW

Lived at Nieuwer Amstel laan 66 II on Nov 6, 1942, and in Nijmegen on Ruysdaelstraat 73hs on Aug 18, 1943. 
van der Raadt, Laurentius (I19630)
11072 Rik og ansett kjøpmann, partsreder, overformynder og stadskaptein for 1.-3. rode Didrich Strangesen Muhle i 2. rode. Mule, Didrich (I29189)
11073 Ringberg er bygd i 1936 av Olav P Slettemoen. Olav var drosjesjåfør. Bilen han brukte vart seinare bygd om av broren Sigurd til Hols fyrste traktor. Slettemoen, Olav P. (I13061)
11074 Rinkhausen/Rinkhuijsen/Rüttinghuijsen? There is a Rinkhöve south of Osnabrück.

1742-1743 they lived op de Princegraft bij de Rhee Straat/Roothars. He was a droogscheerder (cloth-shearer), as was Harmen Hune, hist brother in law.

Relative was Jurriaan Meijlander (probably brother Jürgen Hendrik Mijlander), witness at christening of Gerrit. He was first married to Gerritje Le Blon in 1736, she died 1740 and then to Adriana Marinus in 1741 in Amsterdam. When Juriaan dies at the hospital May 15, 1749 it says he is born in Rinkhausen (not a place) (Duitsland).
One Casper Hendrik Melander buried in Amsterdam 14. jan 1795, son or nephew? 
Meijlander, Casper Hendrik (I24031)
11075 Robert was a grandson of John Dinsmoor, the Scotch emigrant to Ballywattick, Ballymoney, County of Antrim. He was a farmer. A brother lived near him, and each ha d a large family. He was a leading man in the parish, was held in the highest respect, and was a Presbyterian in his religious faith. His intelligence was of a high order, and to him are we indebted for thre preservation of the genealogy and early history of the family. He was a man who enjoyed writing, and during his life he kept up a correspondence with a Laird Dinsmorr, at the old home in Scotland, and with his relatives in New Hampshire, US.

One of his letters of Aug 12, 1794 to his cousin John Dinsmoor of Windham, New Hampshire, brother of Col. Silas Dinsmoor, the Indian agent.

In it he gives a detailed genealogical description:
"My grandfather was born on the mean land of Scotland, near the River Tweed - the son of a wealthy farmer, as I supposed from his style, being called the Laird of Achenmead, as he had tenants under him. He had two sons, of which my grandfather was the second, whose name was John. He (John) left his father's house in the seventeenth year of his age. I suppose he must have eloped, as he brought no property with him, as I have often heard, save a gray bonet of great extent, with striped woollen hose, and a small cane in his hand. This is your original in Ireland, and mine; and all by the name of Dinsmore, here or elsewhere, that belog to that stock. Therefore, you will be ready to say, we have little to boast of. But stay a little, my dear friend, and let us go a little higher, and return to Scotland. You see, as above, we are spring from a farmer. Will this give us any dignity? Yes, the most ancient, the most honorable in civil life. The second man in creation was a farmer. Cain was a tiller of the ground. What are Monarchs? What are Kings, Dukes, Lords, Earls? What was Alexander, or Philip of Macedonia, but murdering vagabonds? "The character of a farmer is far above them all. Stop but the farmer and his culture, and you sweep off the human race at one stroke. So you see that the farmer's station is exalted above all others. Therefore, our pedigree is higher than any other whatever.
"I must crave your patience. Suffer me, then, to return to my grandfather and his offspring, of which you are a sprout. This man (John) had four sons, John 2, Adam, Robert and Samuel. John was the first that migrated to America of the name, and the first that struck a stick in Londonderry. This man was your grandfather's father and my uncle, who surmounted many difficulties in providing a large and free estate for his offspring, and in the attempt was made an Indian captive. ...
This man (John I) lived until he was 99 years of age. He was fifty years married, and twenty nine years a widower, which ended his life, much respected by all who were acquainted with him, for his piety, morals, and good sense.
The Dinsmorr coat-of-arms is a farm laid down on a plate, of a green color, with three wheat sheaves et upright in the centre, of a yellow color, all emblematical of husbandry and agriculture.
Title: Leonard Allison Morrison, Among the Scotch-Irish: and a Tour in Seven Countries, in Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, and Italy; with History of Dinsmoor Family (Boston, Massachusetts: Damrell & Upham, 1891) 
Dinsmore, Robert (I27832)
11076 Rode 9-64 Dommedal, Halvor Helges. (I11312)
11077 Rogers, Arkansas, USA Harris, Harold Ross (I20365)
11078 Ruby g.m. Melvin Bertunes Sundahl og har fire born fødde i Chippewa og Swift Cos., MN: Barbara Ann Sundahl, 1941, Judith Arlene Sundahl, 1944, baby boy, 1952, Kathleen Margareth Sundahl, 1956. Running, Rubey Evangeline (I15120)
11079 Rudde seg gard i Tuftovaldet i Skurdalen etter han vart gift med Barbro Gautesdtr. søre Tufto. Dei hadde før hatt Hallsteinsgard i Ustedalen, men selde denne i 1706. I 1728 overlet han garden (Skurdalen) til borna, og namnet Arnegard fekk den med sonen Arne Person. Hallsteinsgard, Per Herleiks. (I27807)
11080 Rulleført i Bergens Krigskommisariat, 14. utskrivningsdistrikt, 4. rulleførerkrets (Bergen kjøpstad), Register over mannskapene i Bergen bys loddtrekningsdistrikt, nr. 2: Register til Mannskapsrulle/militær loddtrekningsliste for Bergen 1870-1895 Jakobsen, Johan Martin (I42061)
11081 Russås var øydegard i 1590-98, Matz (Mattias) var øydegardsmann 1615-1633. Daniel var son hans, og gift med Marta Simonsdtr. Revne. Russås, Daniel Matzon (I42955)
11082 Ruth became deaf at age 12 due to a childhood illness, but this did not stop her from forging ahead in life. At age 30, she moved to Minnesota where other family lived. Not knowing English, she taught herself the language by reading the newspaper. In the early 1960s, she joined her Uncle, Carl Saterdal, in Wasilla, who had been working in the mines. Carl passed away in 1978, but Ruth stayed on, going home to Norway for a few years in 1980. Ruth fell in love with Alaska, loving to pick berries in summer and skiing in the winter.

Ruth was a hard worker, and a kind and generous person. She dearly loved her family and was especially fond of children. Her working years were mostly homemaking for people and some with children who she lovingly cared for. She made great breads and doughnuts, among other things like knitting beautiful items. Her friends and family have many great stories to share about Ruth, some funny, others scary as in her driving days. Overall, everyone agrees that to know her was to love her, and she will be greatly missed by many abroad and here in the Valley (Wasilla). 
Sæterdal, Ruth (I31671)
11083 Ruth remarried Donald McMaster and moved from Smithtown to Glenhead with young Harry. Hansen, Ruth A. (I22321)
11084 Røstad store, første halvbruk. Råde bygdebok s. 123. Røstad, Jon Amunds. (I476)
11085 Røstvender ved Tolgen smeltehytte, gårdbruker på Johnsgård Døhl, Knut Jons. (I228)
11086 Røyrleggjarmeister i Bergen. Hovland, Engel Engels. (I13339)
11087 Saavel hans Flid som hans kunnskap god. 
Fanevolden, Niels Kristoffers. (I531)
11088 sagemand John Andersen Møklebust, 66 aar Møklebust, John Anders. (I27295)
11089 Sailor/seaman.
1920 bodde familien på Nordre Haga i Samnanger. 
Olderbakken, Nils Bertin Hans. (I18687)
11090 Sakkarias Rasmussen Førde frå Gloppen gardbrukar på Hus i Jølster 1734-51, paktar på Nordås i Fana 1754-56. Kjøpte ved juletider 1756 bondegodset av Øvre Brattland (bruk 1 og 2) av Ola Nilsen Nattland for 320 Rdl. Våren 1757 bygsla han halvdelen av lektoratgodset som då var øyde. Han skulle vere fri for skatt og landskyld i to år. Gift 1734 med Marta Antoniusdtr. Hus (1714-1764). Barn: Antonius på Ø. Brattland, Marta på Nordås, Lars på Damsgård, Johannes, Ingeborg, Brita, Hans i Bergen. Sonen Antonius Sakkariasen Hus (1735-1790) frå Jølster pakta halve Nordås etter faren, før han også vart gardbrukar på Ø. Brattland. Førde, Sacharias Rasmus. (I12337)
11091 Salbu Bruk 1, lærer Lønningen, Gregorius Lars. (I1329)
11092 Salbu bruk1 Salbu, Tolleiv Olai Gregorius. (I1412)
11093 Salbu bruk1 Salbu, Gregorius Tollefs. (I1372)
11094 Salbu bruk3 Salbu, Herborg Gregoriusdtr. (I1382)
11095 Salbu, bruk 3, 1900: Marthe Andersdatter Salbu k b hm e Gaarbrugerske og selveier 1858 Elias Hansen Salbu m b s ug Gaardsarbeide 1885 Anders Hansen Salbu m b s ug Søn 1889 Hanna M. Hansdatter Salbu k b d ug Datter 1890 Elias Hendriksen Salbu m b Fader til enkens Mand g Føderaadman 1824 Horbar Gregorius Salbu k b hm g Føderaadkone 1827 Salbu, Hans Elias. (I1377)
11096 Sallie and John moved north and west, lived in Big Bear, Latah, Idaho 1900, Spokane in 1910 and then John went to Chaplin/Droxford, Saskatchewan in 1911, Sallie came in 1913, there in the census of 1916 and 1921, and were back in Spokane, Washington in the 1930 census.

Sarah made corsets. John was a janitor in 1910, retired as farmer and stockman.

Walter Quintus Taylor, 1878– 1949
Samuel Cliffton Taylor, 1881– 1936
John Wesley Taylor, 1883– 1979
James Baynard Taylor, 1886– 1961 
Massey, Sarah Jane (I20809)
11097 salmakar Borge, Karl Marthines Ols. (I42581)
11098 Salmaker. Foreldra var Johannes Evensen Alfstad og Johanne Karine Johannesdtr. Hammerstad, emigranter.
Karine Evanson, 1890– 1970
Mable Evanson Johnson, 1891– 1962
Luella Evanson Haga, 1893– 1978
Jerome H. Evanson, 1895– 1988
Parnell A. Evanson, 1897– 1968
Janiva Katrina Evanson Skjei, 1899–
Henrietta Stella Evanson Sougstad, 1901– 1992
Ingvald Fridthjof Evanson, 1905– 1961
Norma Harriet Evanson, 1908– 1980
Kenneth Orville Evanson, 1910– 1974 
Evanson, Peter Sigvart (I14314)
11099 Salomon er nevt i skiftet etter mora Kari i 1756. Haukenes, Salomon Mons. (I23190)
11100 Salomon gift i 1820 med Bothilde Steffensdtr, Algrøy fra bruk nr 10, og bosatt på Langøy bruk nr 16. Lokøy, Salomon Rasmus. (I12530)

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