Tofterå Slettemoen genealogy
Matches 7,601 to 7,650 of 13,135
# | Notes | Linked to |
7601 | Johannes tente kanskje i Vardøyna i manntalet 1701, nemnd som Johannes Jonson, fødd i Sunnhordland. Han kan vera frå Fugleberg i Kvinnherad, der er det skrive at sonen Jon Jonson tente i Nordhrdland. Namn og alder stemmer ikkje heilt, men bygdeboka meiner det kan vera same personen. Johannes fekk bygselbrev i 1721 på Sæle. Blant borna: Nils, Kornilska, Jens, Brita (g 1773 m Otte Erikson i Håkonsund. Otte og sonen Erik flytta til Skuteviken hvor Erik var bøkkararbeidsmann). | Fugleberg, Johannes Johannes. (I26254)
7602 | Johannes var enkjemann då han gifta seg med Gunvor og døydde året etter. | Nordvik, Johannes Ols. (I26299)
7603 | Johannes var først gift med Sofie Halsvik, andre gang med Olga Monsdtr. Espeland. De bodde på Aspheim under Espeland. | Bjelkarøy, Johannes Johannes. (I12676)
7604 | Johannes var gm Gjertrud Davidsen (1816 - 7.9.1888 - samme kilde) og de hadde en sønn som het Lars Elias Johannesen (26.11.1854 - 8.1.1910). | Liland, Johannes Niels. (I3131)
7605 | Johannes var jaktaskippar, forliste på ferd frå Bergen og austover. Busett på Gangstøen. g. 1831 med Magdela Engelsdtr. Markhus (1805-1840), born Engel, Anna f. 1834, Hans f. 1835. Busett på Markhus 1831-1835, skøyte på Gangstø 1836. Hadde også Anna f. 1818 med Herborg Skaathun og Johannes med Borgni Bessesdtr. Utskot Rolvsvåg f. 29.12.1841. | Henanger, Johannes Haldors. (I30223)
7606 | Johannes var sønn av Jakob Helgeson Bolstad Notater for Jakob Helgeson Bolstad: Bolstad Gnr. 408 10 m.o.h. 1653 er Jakob brukar etter kontribusjonsskatten til 2 laup. 1654 brukar til 3 laup 1 pd. 6 mk. 1656 var han nemnd lensmann. 1657 betalte han krøterskatt for 3 hestar, 12 kyr, 4 kviger, 12 geiter og 15 sauer. Han var også brukar etter prestemanntalet 1664. Kilde : Evangerboka b.II s.428. | Bolstad, Johannes Jakobs. (I25366)
7607 | Johannes var ungkar og nemnd Sæterdal då han fekk barn med Ingebjørg. 1852-1865, Håmule, Valbo-Ryr, Älvsborg, Sverige hos far Erik Jonsson (1825-) og mor Cajsa Olofsdotter (1830-1862). 1867-1869, Björketorp, Älvsborg, Sverige Emigrerte frå Vestre Edstena, Högsäter, Älvsborg i januar 1873 som ugift dräng til Norge. Tilbake i Nere Edstena, Högsäter, Älvsbog i mars 1873, som arbetskar. Gift 1901 i Stockholm med Maria Lovisa Andersson (1858-1914). | Eriksson, Johannes (I40863)
7608 | Johannes var utlagt til barnefar då Sigri Sjursdtr. døypte sønnen Johannes i 1824. Han gifta seg i 1826 og fekk skøyte på farsgarden i 1833. Han brådøydde på Kvamskogen den 4. februar 1849 på veg heim frå Kvam, der han hadde vore etter ei byrda. Born med Magdela: Knut 1826, Marta 1828, Peder 1830, Borgny 1832, Gunnholda 1834, Magdela 1836, Mons 1838, Anna 1831. Magdela vart uppattgift i 1851 med Lars Knuts. Gjerde (Slåtta). Samnanger 1, s. 633. | Eikedal, Johannes Knuts. (I14398)
7609 | Johannes weduwnaar van Leuntje van der Schalk overleden te Noordwijk aan zee op 4 augustus 1849. | van der Ploeg, Johannes (I33399)
7610 | John Alston is the most remote Alston ancestor in the direct connected line. He is descended from William Alston of Stisted in Essex. This is a family of great antiquity and is said to be of Saxon extraction. We find them mentioned as early as Edward the First's reign, When William Alston of Sisted, in Essex, did grant and confirm to John de Carpenter of Naylinghurst, so much of his better land in Sisted, except his mansion house there. Saxham Hall, in Newton, was anciently the seat of the Alstons for many hundred years. In Edward the Third's time, Hugh Alston bore for arms, azure, ten stars, or 4,3,2,1, which was long before coat armour was granted by patent. The same Coat of Arms is used by the American families. The Alstons purchased "Odell" from the Chetwoods in 1640. Castle Odell commanded a delightful prospect overlooking the Ouse River, whose beautiful meanderings are remarkably striking. Between it's curves on the north rises a wide extended hill covered with the noblest wood in this country, containing more than three hundred acres, and known by the name of "Odell Great Woods". Alstons through the Temple lines, are traced without an unbroken link through Alfred the Great to Harderick, the first known Saxon King, B.C. 90. The Alston Family can claim a rich heritage with very marked characteristics. In personal appearance they were very tall, erect, muscular, with florid complexion, blue eyes, and brown or flaxen hair. they held much wealth, though not given to money making as a business, and have but seldom been paderers for political preferment, or sought public honors. Rather, they have acted the part of wealthy country gentlemen who lived well, bestowed upon their families all the pleasure and luxuries which circumstances could afford, and dispensing hospitality with a liberal hand. Strong in their attachments and unyielding in their antagonisms. They have ever been ready to make common cause with a friend, defend injured innocence, befriend the weak, or fight against whatever they conceived to be injustice, wrong or oppression, and as masters were kind and considerate to their servants. Their own conduct being open and above board, they held in abhorrence all sham or pretence of every kind, or anything that savored of dishonesty or meanness, preferring death to dishonor. Their women, while always proud of their ancestral lineage, were gentle in their homelife, unfaltering in their devotion, true and faithful in all that goes to make up the sum of domestic and social endearment and happiness, cherishing virtue as the crowning jewel of womanhood. From Kimber and Johnson, Baronetage of England, 1771, Vol. I, p.457. as quoted in THE ALSTON FAMILY, p. 11. After some descents from the above, said William Alston, of Stisted, the linealdescendant of this family was John Alston, of Newton, in Suffolk. He was the father of William, who, by Ann the daughterof Thomas Symons, had issue. *** John Alston of Newton in Suffolk the most remote ancestor in the direct connected line. But of him there is little known except that he is stated to have been descended from the above-mentioned William, of Stisted, in Essex. Investigation has brought to light several Alstons living in the neighbourhood of Newton and Sudbury as contemporaries of Job?, so that it will not be rash to assume that the migration from Stisted occurred some while anterior, and that the family had ramified around Its new settlement. Probably too its position had become established and assured, for John was father of William Source; Cresswell, Lionel (1905) Stemmata Alstoniana, Table1. | Alston, John (I28387)
7611 | John Biederlinden was named after his uncle, married 10 Apr 1845 to Nancy Smiley. | Simmons, John Beiderlinden (I20769)
7612 | John D. Shannon was the first sheriff of the territory that is now Taney and Stone County, Missouri. Washington, May, 1860 Letter to John D. Shannon from Washington National Monument Office: Sir, Agreeable to instructions, I have to request that you will act as Collector for the Society during the taking of the census in your district. Should you feel disposed to undertake the duty, and it be with the consent of the Marshal in your ditrict, a commission of fifteen per cent. will be allowed you out of the gross amount of your colections. You will also deduct the cost, from said collections, of a book necessary for the purpose, and make your returns and pay te nett amount collected to the Marshal of your district, who will account for and remit the same to the Society. The enclosed instructions are sent for your guidance. Very respectfully, your obediant servant, John Carrol Brent, Secretary. | Shannon, John David (I20796)
7613 | John DINSMOOR, b. abt 1650 Scotland, left Scotland about 1667 for Ballywattick NI. He was the second son who didn't like the idea of paying homage and respect to his elder brother. At the age of 17, when his father required him "to hold the off stirrup of his elder brother's saddle, when he mounted his horse", he took off for Ulster, with only the clothes on his back and a cane. "This man lived until he was 99 years of age. He was fifty years married, and twenty nine years a widower, which ended his life, much respected by all who were acquainted with him, for his piety, morals, and good sense." Grandson Robert Dinsmore in letter to his cousin in 1794. | Dinsmoor, John (I27834)
7614 | John K. Johnson m. Kari (1862-1935), children Margaret (Gertie), Clarence, Henry, Bessie, Laura. | Nordeide, John Knuds. (I34525)
7615 | John L. Bass died at the home of his parents, near Ponce de Leon, February 22nd. 1899. John was about 26 years of age, was a good, moral young man, and his loss will be deeply felt by all who knew him. A friends tribute John Lawrence Bass was born July 22nd, 1873, at the Old Major Moore place on Crane Creek, Stone County, MO, and remained in the county of his birth except four years his father and family were sojourning in Western Kansas and the state of Texas, in his youthful days. He spent the year 1897 in Greenwood county, Kansas, with two brothers, Theophilus and William C. Theophilus and John returned to the old homestead last December, and was in the vigor of life unitl Sunday night Feb y 19; with a complication of bowel troubles, he departed this life at 9 o clock p.m. Feb 22d, 1899, in the presence of the family, except Wm.C. who is yet in Greenwood County, Kansas. Johnny was a single man, and leaves a father, mother, three brothers and three sisters, to mourn his loss, together with a host of friends, as he only had to form acquaintance to make a friend. His body was laid to rest in the beautiful little cemetery at Ponce de Leon, Friday Feb 24, 1899. The funeral services were conducted bu Rev. Wesley Henry, which was short and impressive. As we grew older and our loved ones leave this world for the glorious beyond we feel that our excistence here is less tedious, this world grows less and the prospect of a glorious future grows brighter. The hope of a glorious meeting of the loved ones gone before, where broken hearts are healed and partings are unknown. | Bass, John Lawrence (I20813)
7616 | John Lamoraal van den Burg: Beroep man: Koopman, Postbode, Gasstoker. Father unknown. | van den Burg, Jan Lamoraal (I19992)
7617 | John married Ellen Dunlap 1812– 1891, both buried at West Union Street Cemetery, Athens, OH. | McAfee, John (I22133)
7618 | John Mcbride North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782 military service: 2 October 1782, Richmond, North Carolina, United States 26 August 1783, Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina, United States 2 December 1784, Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina, United States 16 May 1787, granted land in Guilford, North Carolina, USA 1790 Guilford, North Carolina census, John Mc Bride jr p. 500 James McBride, John McBride and Margaret McGahey were all granted land lots in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery. They had 13 children in 33 years. | McBride, John (I27688)
7619 | John McQuigg and Sarah came to the USA in 1843, following her father and family. The McQuiggs had nine children, born both in Antrim, Ulster and in Wayne Co, Ohio. John McQuigg (his father) was a flax grower in Antrim in 1796 according to the Irish Flax Growers List, 1796. | McQuigg, John (I22143)
7620 | John Palin died Aug 16, 1737, leaving wife Sarah, son John and daughter Mary. | Palin, John (I28390)
7621 | John remarried in 1762 to Mary Richards. | Smelley, John (I27607)
7622 | John Shannon was born in 1571 in Scotland. He and his wife had at least one son, John Shannon, who was born in Scotland 1601. In 1602 John Shannon Sr. and his family moved to Ireland. Dexal Shannon(Shannon1571-1990) p. 1 | Shannon, John (I20205)
7623 | John succeeded his father on the home of his forefathers, in the parish of his birth. There he remained several years after the death of his father and in 1838, he, the last of the name there, left his native land, the old home of his people for several generations, and with his family an venerable mother removed to Bloomington, Indiana, were he has ever since lived, and where he resides in April 1891. Thus the ancestral home of the Dinsmores on Irish soil passed into the hands of others. It is occupied in 1891 by Archibald Usher. John and his family, his father and his family, are, and were, members of the Presbyterin Church. In a letter dated Oct. 1 1890, he says: "I hope and trust, through the intercession of the Lord and Saviour jesus Christ, that our names will e enrolled in the Book of Live". He married in 1832, Margaret Small, who died in 1882, at Bloomington Indiana. | Dinsmore, John (I27679)
7624 | JOHN TEMPLE, married Susan, daughter and heiress of Thomas Spencer of Everton, Northampton. It is stated in Burk's Peerage that this ancient family derives its surname from the manor of Temple, County Leicester, and has its pedigree recorded in the "Visitation of Leicestershire", AD 1619: 18. John was the son of PETER Temple of Stowe, who in the latter years of Edward VI obtained a grant of the Manor of Marston Boteler, Co. Warwick, and married Millicent, daughter of William Jeklye, esq. of Nemington, Middlesex. 17. Peter was the son of THOMAS Temple, of Whitney, who married Alice, daughter and heiress of John Heritage, of Burton Dorset, in Coventry warwick. 16. Thomas was the son of WILLIAM Temple, of Whitney, who m. Isabel, daughter and heiress of Henry Everton, Esq. 15. William was the son of THOMAS de Temple of Whitney, Oxfordshire, who married Mary, daughter of Thomas Gendey, Esq. 14. Thomas was the son of RICHARD de Temple, who married Joan, daughter of William Shepey of Great Shepey, Leicestershire. 13. Richard was the son of NICHOLAS de Temple, who married Maud, daughter of John Burguillon, of Newton, in Leicestershire. 12. Nicholas was the son of RICHARD de Temple of Shepey, married Lady Agnes, daughter of Sir Ralph Stanley, Knt. 11. Richard was the son of NICHOLAS de Temple who married Lady Margery, daughter of Sir Roger Corbet, Knt. of Libton. 10. Nicholas was the son of RICHARD de Temple, Baron of Temple Manor, who married Catherine, daughter of Thomas de Langley. 9. Richard was the son of HENRY de Temple, Baron of Temple Manor and Little Shepey. 8. Henry was son of HENRY de Temple, Leicesterhire, who married Lady Maud, daughter of Sir John Ribbesford, Knt. 7. Henry was the son of GEOFFREY de Temple, Leicestershire. 6. Geoffrey was the son of HENRY de Temple, Baron of Temple, and little Shepey. 5. This Henry was a decendant of EDWIN, Earl of Leicestershire and Coventry, who assumed the surname, Temple, from the Manor of Temple, in the Hundred of Sparkenhor in Wellsboro, Lecestershire. 4. Edwin as son of EDWIN, King of the East Saxons, Eadwine Earl of Mercia. King Harald Hårdråde defeated Edwin and his younger brother Morcar, Earl of Northumbria, at the Battle of Fulford, near York Sept 20, 1066. Edwin was later killed in battle with the Normans, 1071. Edwin's sister, Ealdgyth, had been married to Harold Godwinson until the latter's death at Hastings on 14 October 1066. 3. His father was ALGAR, King of the East Saxons in 1053. Ælfgar, Earl of Mercia, Earl of East Anglia, but also was exiled for a time. 2. Algar was the son of LEOFRIC, King of Leicester (Lodges Peerage of Ireland, under Viscount Palmerston). He married the famous Lady Godiva, who rode naked through Coventrytown by day to regain for the citizens the priviledges taken from them, and dying August 31, 1027. Leofric died 1057. 1. Leofric was the son of LEOFERN or Leoferin, Earl of Mercia. | Temple, John (I28382)
7625 | John var nemnd Kårevik ved vigsla, då han alt hadde bygsla bruket. Ifølgje mannskapsrullane var han av landlegd, dvs frå innlandet. | Kårevik, John Christophers. (I11320)
7626 | John was a blacksmith in Milton, Mahoning, Ohio in 1850 census. His closest neighbour was the physician Alexander Shoemaker, b. abt. 1802 in Pennsylvania and his wife Elizabeth. Johns parents were William Shoemaker b. in Maryland and Betzy Welker. Williams father John was born in England. Children: Warren Kelly Shoemaker 1842 – 1917 Jane Amanda Shoemaker 1845 – 1917 Harriet A. Shoemaker 1850 – 1925 Bruce W. Shoemaker 1852 – Rachel Ella Shoemaker 1858 – 1923 John J. Shoemaker 1860 – 1930 Taylor F. Shoemaker 1862 – 1930 Lizzie A. Shoemaker 1864 – | Shoemaker, John (I20771)
7627 | John was married 1904 in Jasper to Emma Mathilda Larsen, 1879-1962. Lived near DeSmet, S. Dakota, where Ellen, Hilma and Enoch were born, later at Foss Farm west of Jasper, Pipestone, Minnesota. 1910 Mathews, Kingsbury, South Dakota, USA 1920 Highland, Minnehaha, South Dakota, USA 1930 Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, South Dakota, USA 1950 Jasper, Pipestone, Minnesota, USA | Foss, John J. (I25400)
7628 | John was married to Edna Sechman (1884-1974) on May 1 1904, they lived in Moscow, Latah County, Idaho. | Heckathorn, John Shoemaker (I27852)
7629 | John was married to Elizabeth, born abt 1780 in Kentucy, died after 1860. | Davis, John (I28535)
7630 | John was married to Louise Hines who died before him. He was a farmer. Died age 83 at his sons house in Marion, Ohio in 1948. Other surviving children were Mrs. Jack Kocar of Phillips, Wis, Herbert Grosh of Galion, Ohio and Mrs. Howard Wright of Edison, Ohio. | Grosh, John Wesly (I28351)
7631 | John was the 4th son of John Alston and Dorothy Temple of Parvenham, mentioned in will of John Alston, 1704, married Anne, daughter of Wallis. | Alston, John (I28372)
7632 | Joined navy ca. 1933/35. Was on the USS Panay when it was sunk and survivors taken prisoner at the fall of Bataan. Reportedly on Bataan Death March, and either died while on this march or on Japanese troop transport torpedoed by American submarine that was unaware of American survivors on board. | Casey, John Franklin (I20386)
7633 | Jon Andersen Mathopen er sønn av Anders Olsen Mathopen og Agathe Monsdtr. | Mathopen, Jon Anders. (I8757)
7634 | Jon Christoffersen Haaland Uk Ingebor Olsdatter For Pige 0101 1728 Fuse | Family F5711
7635 | Jon er pakter i Stendavika i 1837, i 1847 flyttar han tilbake til Hop. Bygdeboka seier han vart gift med enkja Johanna frå Stendavika, men det er meir sannsynleg at han pakta på hennar vegne. | Eide, Jon Ivers. (I35835)
7636 | Jon gifte seg att to år etter Lisbet døydde, i 1720 med Marta Olsdtr. Ytre Moberg som var enke etter Nils ytre Lekven. Dei hadde dottera Kari f. 1689. Jon var den fyrste bonde i Osbygdi som me finn bøker i huset hjå i skiftet. | Ytre Tuen, Jon Jakobs. (I24986)
7637 | Jon hadde også døtrene Anna og Kirsti | Krokeide, Jon Nils. (I16698)
7638 | Jon kom til Haugsdal i 1628 og budde der til ca. 1670. Gm. Lisabet. | Haugsdal, Jon Hallvards. (I26976)
7639 | Jon var fostersønn hos tanta Magdali Jonsdtr. Haugland, halvsøster til mora Ingebrog. To barn i første eksteskapet, fem barn i andre. | Foss, Jon Thomass. (I42899)
7640 | Jon vart gift med Maria Fredriksdtr. Håland i 1807, dei budde på Paradis til omlag 1818 før dei flytta bort. Sidan gift med Grete i 1837. | Paradis, Jon Ols. (I29006)
7641 | Jonas fekk borgarskap 28/11 1692 som 'udfarer', det vil seia rett til å driva handel med folk som bur lenger enn 4 mil avstand frå Bergen by. I eit skattemantal frå 1683 budde han i 16. rode og er plassert i skatteklasse 3. Han og familien bur i 10. rode i 1700 og ved den store bybrannen i 1702 (som la mest heile Bergen i oske). Ved tida for bybrannen driv han eit salteri, men i følgje manntalet er formuestilhøva karakterisert som slett, eller sagt på ein annan måte: nr. 5 og siste plass på rangeringslista. I 1705 eig Jonas garden Nordre Sele, Selsøy i Øygarden, og gardbrukarane er såleis leiglendingar under han.. Han driv som fiskeoppkjøpar i området. Løyve til kremmerleie 1705-1708. Familien bur i 10. rode i 1712 og ved Muren (ved sørenden av gågaten Strandgaten) i 1714. Jonas var ein velhalden mann då han døydde. Kilde: Elias Solsvik. Hadde også dottera Giertrude gm. Henrich Dedichen, omtalt som Henrich og Peter Bruus' moster ved en panteobligasjon i 1754. | Helt, Jonas (I36902)
7642 | Jone er nemnt som brukar på garden 1519-1521. Han var då mellom dei største skattytarne i skipreidet. | Tøtland, Jone på (I5455)
7643 | Jongmatroos, indiensttreding 20-05-1767, schip Tulpenburg. Uitdiensttreding 1760. Overzee. Scheepssoldijboeken Kamer Amsterdam. Jurgen Hendrik Meijlander, on January 27, 1761 in the service of the Dutch East India Company 1761 Departure Tuesday, January 27 Jurgen Hendrik Meijlander (uit Amsterdam) joins as sailor with chamber Amsterdam. Departure of the ship Huis ten Donk bound for Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia) Thursday, June 25 149 days after departure Arrival of the ship Huis ten Donk on the Cape Sunday, July 19 24 days after arrival at the Cape Departure of the ship Huis ten Donk of the Cape Monday, September 14 57 days after departure from the Cape, 230 days after departure from the Netherlands Arrival of the ship Huis ten Donk in Batavia Saturday, December 12 319 days after employment Resignation Jurgen Hendrik Meijlander (Asia), reason: deceased. Source: Nationaal Archief (Netherlands), Dutch East India Company, archive 1.04.02, inventory number 6399, folio 99 | Meijlander, Jurgen Hendrik (I24033)
7644 | Jordfestelsesdato | Sørtvedt, Ole Engels. (I37758)
7645 | Jordfestet 22. februar 1852. | Toftetræet, Nils Knuds. (I4271)
7646 | Jordfestet 28. mars 1864 | Vaksdal, Hans Nils. (I31627)
7647 | Jordfestet 28. mars 1864 | Vaksdal, Johannes Nils. (I31626)
7648 | Jordløs husmand og fisker i folketellingen 1801. Barn: Mons som overtok bruket, Engel og Ola. | Grimstad, Mons Ols. (I11210)
7649 | jordmor | Skår, Kari Jonsdtr. Hille (I2197)
7650 | jordmor | Nesse, Olava Maria Nilsdtr. (I1101)