Tofterå Slettemoen genealogy
Matches 8,401 to 8,450 of 13,135
# | Notes | Linked to |
8401 | Lived 40 years in Chicago. Left 16000 dollars for her five sisters and two brothers when she passed in Stoughton 1929. | Thompson, Gunhild 'Jennie' (I29764)
8402 | Lived in Den Haag | van der Raadt, Hubert Mathieu (I18901)
8403 | Lived in Ireland, where he had moved with his mother and father from Scotland. He married in Ireland and had at least one son, Robert, who was born in Munster, Ireland 1630 . Dexal Shannon ibid. p. 1 | Shannon, John (I20204)
8404 | Lived in Kalispell, Flathead, Montana, USA | Heimark, Endre Ols. (I32335)
8405 | Lived in Katwijk, in Kerkte, in Oegstgeest, Zuid Holland. Parents could be Maarten Cornelisz van der Burgh & Claartje Claassen van der Fits. | van den Burgh, Leendert Maartenz (I19700)
8406 | Lived in Oregon (town) Clackamas, Oregon in 1920-census with her two daughters, registered as married, but John is not there. In Beaver Creek, Clackamas we find John S. Jones on his own on a farm he owns. The work on the farm may have took its toll, as his death is recorded in Oregon City in Oct 1920. | Hanson Nordvig, Ella Mathilda (I29938)
8407 | Lived in rural Seattle, King, Washington at time of death. | Johnson, Anne Marie (I32266)
8408 | Lived in South Galloway township. | Stewart, Joseph Marion (I20840)
8409 | Lived in Venice, California when she went to kindergarten (age 5), 1929. In Sept 1929 Mildred and June was going to Leo in High River Alberta from California. This record states that June was born in Detroit. Later in October 1929 Leo, Mildred and June are headed from Long Beach California to Alberta and again they say that June is born in Detroit. She attended first grade in Kansas (age 6) and at age 7 (2nd grade) she was in a protestant school in Montreal, where she lived until she was 21. After attending the Rapid Shorthand College in Montreal, she took various clerical positions, including one in The Montrealer in 1941, at the sales audit office at Eaton's Department Store 1941-1944 and at Williams and Wilsons. From 1944 she was at Bell Telephone. | Bessette, June Marie (I21051)
8410 | Lived near Ashland, Boone County, Missouri. Was considered the wealthiest man in Boone and neighbouring counties for a period of great many years. He owned a large estate and was an extensive stock breeder, and had 45 slaves who were quartered in twelwe cabins. He used his wealth and influence to good purpose and was very generous in his charities. He hired teachers from the east to teach his children, but he also invited children of his neighbors and poor families to participate. Eli Bass was a member of "The Committee of Three" to contract and superintend the erection of the main edifice of the State University, and was one of the first Board of Curators by an Act of the General Assembly, February 11, 1839. After his brother Theophilus died, Eli came to Taney County and took two of the children back to Boone County to educate them; Mary going to Howard-Payne College at Fayette, while John entered an Academy at Ashland. | Bass, Ely Meredith (I20880)
8411 | Lived with his brother Johan Antonius in Sloten. married 1902 to Alida Hendrica Broerse in Sloten. | Brockhoff, Johannes Franciscus (I24067)
8412 | Lives in Ann Arbor, MI, USA | McKee, Jerry Lee (I21240)
8413 | Lives in Dayton, Ohio | Seasly, Henry Ross Jr (I20323)
8414 | livørekone, 88 aar | Nestegard, Anne Larsdtr. (I13939)
8415 | Logiforretning i byen (Hamre pensjonat). I 1900 tjente søstera Janike Tommasdtr. (1847) hos henne. Hun var familiens barnepike i 1891. | Kleiven, Anna Bergitha Thomasdtr. (I1600)
8416 | Lohne is a town in the district of Vechta, in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is located approximately 8 km south-west of Vechta. The town lies on the A1 freeway between Bremen and Osnabrück. | Overwater, Johann Henrich (I24273)
8417 | Loodgieter (rørlegger) and smid Parents: Johannes Marcus Jansen, Steenhouwer and Sophia de Man | Jansen, Frederik Gerardus (I39932)
8418 | Lord of Sayham, Sayme, or Siam Hall, as it is now called, in Newton, near Sudbury, in the Hundred of Babergh, Co. Suffolk. The eldest son of William Alston, of Newton, became on his fathers death the head of the family, and by the death of his brothers, William and Robert, without issue, the sole continuator of the main stock. When and how he acquired the Manor of Seyme Hall, which does not seem to have been possessed by his father, I do not know. The Manor was held of the King as of His Honour of Clare by Knights Service. Edward married (1) Elizabeth, daughter of John Coleman, whose arms are recorded in the Bedfordshire Visitation before referred to as "p. fesse ar. and sa. a crosse patonnee bet. four mollets all counterchanged." By her he had issue two sons and a daughter; (2) at Newton on the 16th December, 1590 , Elizabeth Bull, widow of Waldringfield Parva, who was buried there on the 26th June, 1591; and (3) Christian ______ whose marriage settlement is referred to in his Will. Some confusion has existed regarding the second and third wives in other pedigrees, the marriages being reduced to two and a sort of composite never-existent wife-Christian Ball being evolved. The third marriage must have followed speedily on the death of Edwards second wife, for he himself was buried on the 14th November, 1592, at Newton, about eighteen months after her death, and was followed by his relict, Christian, about a year after, she being also buried at Newton on the 28th September, 1593. By neither his second nor third wives had Edward Alston any further issue. His Will dated 10th January, 1592 (34 Eliz.) was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 6th May, 1593. It is a very lengthy one, indeed the Alston Wills as a rule exhibit much of the redundancy of verbiage that delighted the hearts and filled the pockets of attorneys of past ages. It begins, " I bequethe my sowle unto Almighty God who hath created redemed and sanctified me and all His electe people, hoping faithfully and most assuredly to be saved in the daye of the general resurrection and judgment by the only merittes and passion of our Lord and Savyor Jesus Christ." It recites the antenuptial settlement of a rent charge out of the Manor of Sayham Hall on his wife, Christian, and desires his heir, William, to pay it punctually. Mentions his ownership of the Crown Inn in Sudbury (now the Rose and Crown Hotel, a fine old fashioned hostelry recently sold(1898) by its Alston owners to the landlord), (1) which with all the "seelinges, portables, wainscottes, glasse, settelles, benches and shelves he gave to his younger son, Thomas. To a favoured servant, one William Cockerell of Newton, he gives "six busshelles of rye or mislyn (a mixture of rye and oats), of the measure commonly called sudburye measure." He is provident as to his transactions in grain, ordering his executors to complete any sales or gifts of corn he may have bargained for or promised. Finally, he appoints his younger son, Thomas, sole executor, trusting that he will see his Will truly and faithfully performed according to his special trust and confidence in him, and makes him residuary devisee. Among the witnesses to the Will are Edmond Waldegrave, a member probably of the now noble, but at that time knightly family settled in the district; and Thomas Gosse, with whose family there existed cross alliances by the marriages of John Gosse to Elizabeth Alston, and Thomas Alston to Susan Gosse in 1579. On the death of the patriarch Edward Alston the family was divided, his two sons becoming the progenitors of branches co-equal in affluence and eventually of rank. It will be observed that Edward was the last ancestor in common of the baronetical familes of Odell and Chelsea. Source: Cresswell, Lionel (1905) Stemmata Alstoniana, Privately Printed, Table 2. | Alston, Edward (I28383)
8419 | los Bygsla jord på Forland, men budde i Toftatræet då dei fire eldste borna vart fødde. Truleg flytta dei til Forland for godt då farfaren døydde i 1764, eller året eller to før. Budde dels på Fagerbakke i det andre giftet. Alle borna er oppgjevne med Fagerbakke som fødestad. I folketellinga 1801 budde Anders og Torbjørg hos sonen Lars på Møkster, og dei døydde der. | Forland, Anders Elias. (I351)
8420 | los | Litlakalsøy, Knud Mons. Møgster (I347)
8421 | Los | Kalve, Anders Magne Halvards. (I2319)
8422 | Los | Kalve, Anders Ols. (I2299)
8423 | los | Golten, Ingebrigt Simons. (I2200)
8424 | Los og gårdbruker | Møgster, Lars Anders. (I2413)
8425 | Los. Nevnt Glesnes ved første giftet, han er konfirmert derifrå i 1776 og innført i ei mannskapsrulle der same året. I ei rulle frå 1804 er fødestaden oppgjeven til Bergen. Det vart skifta etter Anders i 1830, men ingen visste om eller kjende nokon slektningar av han som hadde krav på arv. | Glæsnes, Anders Jacobs. (I4664)
8426 | Losa inn "Tartar". Ole var gift med Guri Olsdtr. Pirholmen og seinare Marthe Simonsdtr. Nedre Vaage og Anne Arnesdtr. til sist. | Vaage, Ole Johannes. (I4568)
8427 | losbåtførar. Ti born: Alfred, Ingvald Olav, Bjarne Vilhelm (1931-2010), Karen Agnes, Vilborg Ella, Torvald Rikard, Ingleif Martin, Karl, Berit. | Viksøy, Vilhelm Bertin Vilhelms. (I39494)
8428 | Losjerte i Oslo i 1910, logerende ug stud. theol. 1920, Prest i Vikna og Nærø Sokneprest i Leikanger, registrert i Landssvikarkivet for Sogn: | Daae, Sverre (I42717)
8429 | Losoldermann, sjøveigar og gjestgjevar | Bakkesund, Anders Knuds. Møgster (I2225)
8430 | Losskøyten "Pauline" bygd 1893/Colin Archer var oppkalt etter henne. | Nygaard, Pauline Thoresdtr. (I4309)
8431 | Lost at sea. | Naustheller, Nils Hans. (I16575)
8432 | Lou and Annie had 11 children (9 who survived to adulthood) and 7 who are still living in 2007. Truss, Wim, Pete, Jan, Cor, Anne, Theo Meyer. | van den Burg, Johanna Cornelia (I19843)
8433 | Louis emigrated in 1878, at the age of 17. His parents were Daniel Bange and Louise Paul. Louis landed in New York, but by 1880 he was living in Pana, Christian, Illinois where he was a baker. Later he was a baker in St. Louis, Missouri. Louis and Emmas children: Laura Louise Bange Casey, 1885-1910 Louis Charles Bange, 1888-1968 Dorothy Bange Doyle, 1890-1941 Anita E. Bange, 1891-1962 Helen Bange Charlier, 1895-1957 Melita Bange Howard, 1900-1998 | Bange, Louis (I27463)
8434 | Ludvig bodde på Talle i Luster da han gifta seg med Ingeborg. Familien hennar er der i 1865. Ni born, Elling, Anna Johanna, Guri, Hans, Jørgen, Gjertrud (Gertie), Louise, Louise Marie, Gina Olina. | Sandvik, Ludvig Ellings. (I35814)
8435 | lungebetennelse | Brække, Mons A. (I34642)
8436 | Lungebetennelse | Holsen, Martin Johannes. (I37213)
8437 | lungebetennelse, St. Jørgens hospital | Fana, Anders Conrads. (I15717)
8438 | lungetæring | Økland, Halver Martin Halvors. (I34868)
8439 | Lunnøy br. 2, bygselbrev til Otte Olsen Hevrøen, 1803. 1806: Otte Olsen husmann på Lundøen berga tre mann som kollsigla på Møgsterfjorden. Dei kom frå Kvalvåg og skulle til Kvalesundet. 1835 vilkår til Otte Olsen og Synneve Nilsdtr. 1835. | Hevrøy, Otte Ols. (I10598)
8440 | Lydia died of septicemia (blood infection following birth) and baby Carleton died of influenza according to the death certificates. There was a big flu epidemic that year in Detroit. Lydia's parents are also buried at Eastlawn cemetary, Detroit. | Shoemaker, Lydia A. (I20468)
8441 | Lydia er ført som portiers enke i 1910. | Horne, Lydia Maria Jakobstr. Olsen (I31930)
8442 | Lydia may have died in childbirth with daughter Lydia 1839. Uriah Holland signed for her at her marriage. | Holland, Lydia (I27501)
8443 | Lærar i Finnmark. | Møgster, Knut Amunds. (I5917)
8444 | Lærar i Nord-Hovet og Sudndalen i Hol, sidan i Filtvedt i Hurum, men levde dei siste åra på Mehus i Kvisla hjå broren Ivar. Vart stanga ihel av ein ukse. Barnlaus. | Slettemoen, Guttorm Ols. (I14073)
8445 | Lærar i Toft og Båtsfjord, og i Holum på Austlandet, Lille Lerresfjord, Talvik, Alta. Mikkel var gift med Bertha f. Murberg. Barn: Birgit g. Nomeland, Svanhild g. Jebe, Harrieth, Olaug, Bård. | Kalve, Mikkel Mons. (I2260)
8446 | Lærar og kyrkjesongar. FT 1865 budde han på Lille Damsgård. Gift med Anna Johanna Ingebrigtsdtr. f. ca. 1841, Strusshamn sokn. | Bjørøen, Anders Ols. (I10801)
8447 | Lærar, først på Tofterøy skule og sidan på Fedje, i Ytre Kvenvær på Hitra, i Masfjorden og på Tyssøyna, og frå 1947 i Strengereid i Holt, Tvedestrand. I 1950 flytta dei til Mjøndalen i Nedre Eiker og i 1956 til Bergen. Som pensjonistar flytta dei til Berge i Lindås (jf. Lindåsb. II s. 60, han var bror til Sigurd Grimstad, Kleppe) | Grimstad, Olav Andreas (I6307)
8448 | Lærar. Barn med Marta: Christian Tosseland, 1863– 1895 Cecilia Wilhelmina Tosseland, 1865– 1948 Berthe Helene Tøsseland, 1868– 1932 Barn med Barbara: Torgils Martin Tosseland, 1872– 1947 Ann Cecilie Tosseland, 1873– 1969 Nellie Amanda Tosseland, 1878– 1950 Nels Theodore Tosseland, 1881– 1955 William Lawrence Tosseland, 1883– 1895 Joseph Tosseland, 1885– 1885 Thea Lydia Tosseland, 1886– 1921 Bertha M Tosseland, 1889– 1975 | Tysseland, Nils Nils. (I35389)
8449 | Lærar. Til USA i 1859, oppnådde statsborgerskap i 1864, registrert i Decorah. 1860 • Pleasant, Winneshiek, Iowa, USA 1880, 1885 • Norway, Winnebago, Iowa, USA 1895 • Norway, Winnebago, Iowa, USA 1900 • Center township, Lake Mills town, Winnebago, Iowa, USA 1 Jun 1905 • Pleasant Springs, Dane, Wisconsin, USA, gamleheim - ført som retired farmer og inmate. | Egedal, Hans Knuts. (I30283)
8450 | Læredreng hos skomaker John Jensen Ness i 1801: | Monsen, Torger (I42925)