Tofterå Slettemoen genealogy



Matches 8,401 to 8,450 of 13,186

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
8401 Lenge i USA. 1910 • Franklin, Steele, North Dakota, USA, Hans R Dronen. Drønen, Hans Olai Rasmus. (I11047)
8402 Lensherre og admiral. Døtre: Kristina, Margarete, Magdalene, Maren og Else. Rustung, Kristoffer Trunds. (I9194)
8403 Lensman i Tolga 1805-1830 Skogstad, Ole Anders. (I99)
8404 lensmann Daae, Hans Hans. (I42671)
8405 Lensmann Bård Rikolson Sponheim (1650 - 1733) g. ca. 1670 m Guro Larsdtr. Kvandal, sonedotter til presten David Petræus, Storegraven i Granvin. blant barna er B) Abelone (1671 - ) g 1694 m Lars Ørjanson Årekol, Kinsarvik, b. N. Lekve bnr. 2, g. 2. 1714 m prestesonen Ludvig Jørgenson Paaske, N. Hakestad bnr. 1, flytte til Lærdal der Ludvig vart gjestgjevar."
Kjelde: Ulvik gards- og ættesoga, bind 2, 1987, side 282.

I bind 1, side 495, Nedre Lekve om Abelone og hennes menn. "Hun hadde barna Hildegunna 1694 g. 1724 m e. Aslak Larsson Bergo, Ørjans 1699, Anna 1701, Hans 1707, Guro 1709, Herborg 1712 og Hille Kristina 1714.

Om Ludvig står det: "Han hadde studert ei tid og gjorde jamvel litt presteteneste i Ulvik. Men i staden for å bli Herrens tenarm slo han seg ned som gjestgjevar på Lærdalsøyra i Sogn, og Abelone har teke borna med seg dit." 
Sponheim, Abelone Baardsdtr. (I26623)
8406 Lensmann for Rosendal 1717-1736 Fykse, Per Tores. (I5383)
8407 Lensmann fra 1675-1680. Sluttet som Lensmann i 1680. Solgte gården Moldekleiv og flyttet til Bergen. Loss, Hendrik Jens. (I14516)
8408 Lensmann i Beitstaden ca. 1624 Gjevran, Anders Christophers. (I617)
8409 Lensmann i Kvikne, gårdbruker Skogstad, Ole Tores. (I159)
8410 lensmann i Strandvik. Fetter av Hans Ingjalds. Gjøen Håvik (før 1592- før 3. juni 1658). Haavig, Sten Laurits. (I25458)
8411 Lensmann i Valle fra 1677 Nærland, Rasmus Eriks. (I42816)
8412 Lensmann Knud Pedersen åtte bruk nr. 256 i Hille 14 1/2 mrk smør. Hille, Knud Peders. Tyssøy (I175)
8413 Lensmann, cand. juris. Schaathun, Lauritz Frithjof (I4205)
8414 Lensmann, eigar av Overgård = Aargård, på Namdalseid. 8 av deres barn er kjent iflg. Hylland i Flatangerboka. Schjevig, Aage Anders. (I613)
8415 Lensmann. Omlag 1709 arva dottera Marta det meste av Geitanger i Fjell etter faren, lensmann Anders Hans. Bildøyna, og familien flytta dit (Fjellboka IV, s. 105). Bildøy, Anders Hans. (I25527)
8416 Leonard Clay Morrison's The Dinsmoor-Dinsmore Family, 1891, says on pages 13-14 that Rachel was born abt 1806 at Ballywattick (old=Bally Wattiche) and was a daughter of Samuel & Mary (Brewster) Dinsmore. She wed James McAfee who was from the Giant's Causeway (just a few miles N of Bushmills, on the sea) of County Antrim. Dinsmore, Rachel (I22129)
8417 Leone married Orland Harry Siegfried Krug (b. 1919), son of Philip Krug & Anna Elisabeth Siegfried, lived in League city, Texas 2004. Children: Kurt Maurice Krug 1943, Karen Lee Krug Plansky 1946, Julie Anne Krug Requadt 1947, Michael David Krug 1953. Halverson, Leone Marie (I16370)
8418 Lettmatros. Drukna og vart gravlagd i Newcastle. Hevrøy, Olav Johan Jakobs. (I39045)
8419 Leuntgen van der Hulst married Dirck Engelsz Schalk on April 25, 1698 in Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, Nederland.

Engel Schalk 1699-
Trijntje Dirksdr Schalk 1700-1770
Engel Schalk 1702-
Claas Dirksz Schalk ± 1704-1783
Jacob Schalk 1706-1743
Kniertje Dirksdr van der Schalk ± 1708-1779
Cornelis Dirksz Schalk 1710-< 1758
Symen Schalk 1711-
Duifje Schalk 1713-1781
Symen Dirksz Schalk (Maarschalk) 1716-
Maartje Schalk 1717-1789
Aagje Dirksdr van der Schalk 1719-

van der Hulst, Leuntgen Jacobsdr (I24570)
8420 Lever i beste velgående på 102-årsdagen. Drønen, Ole Rasmus. (I11057)
8421 Lewis married Betsy and by 1900 had children David, Ella, Christopher, Ester on the farm with his parents in Clinton. Gilbrough, Lars Davids. (I31549)
8422 Lief J. Nelson m. Vera Ella Green from Tennessee, bodde i Roanoke, Virginia. Nilsen, Leif Jonny (I30314)
8423 Lieutenant Commander US Navy, wars: Grenada, Lebanon, Vietnam Larsen, Quentin John (I38662)
8424 Lillebekken Bekken, Peder Tollefs. (I215)
8425 Lillie was married to Clifford Norman Weness (b. abt 1916), three children Robert Norman Weness 1941, David Erling Weness 1944 and Linda Marie Weness Johnson 1947 born in Mower county. Halverson, Lillian Evelyn (I16369)
8426 Lindås bygdebok bd III Haugsmyr gnr 89 bnr 1A:

Ola Olsen Haugsmyr f 1680 (44 år gml i en mannskapsrulle fra 1724) tok denne gardparten i bruk i 1705 da han fikk en datter her (Kari). Kari var nr 2 av 6 barn. 
Haugsmyr, Ola Ols. (I7223)
8427 Lindås bygdebok, bd III, Fonnebust side 430, gnr 106 bnr 5A:

Kari Olsdatter f 1705 på Haugsmyr d 1763, gift med Ola Ivarson f 1713 d 1763, var brukere her fra om lag 1734, da var hun fadder. Berge Rasmussen på bnr 5 fikk skøyte på bruket i 1749. Ola var da nevnt som oppsitter. De flyttet til Munkeberget under Lindås prestegård om lag 1752. Bruket gikk da inn i bnr 5.

Lindås Prestegård med bruket Munkeberget gnr 108 bnr 5:

Kari Olsdatter f 1705 på Haugsmyr (89/1A) d 1763 g med Ola Ivarson 1713 - 1763. De ble gravlagt samme dagen. Fikk en dødfødt datter her i 1752. 
Fonnebost, Ole Ivars. (I7219)
8428 Lindsay or Reynolds Reynolds, Nancy Jane (I20749)
8429 Lindsey and Delilah (Jones) Robertson, and their family, moved from Monroe County, TN, to Greene County, MO, in 1837. They settled southwest of Springfield about one mile east of what would become Republic. Lindsey owned 660 acres in various parcels at the time of his death in 1861. The family home was southwest of the corner of Lynn Avenue and Miller Road. Water was obtained from a spring at the northeast corner of Lynn Avenue and Wood Street.

Lindsey Robertson was a Methodist lay minister of the gospel, and would hold services in the Chapel. Many funeral services were conducted here as well. School was also held in the chapel in the late 1800's and early 1900's. The Chapel was still in good repair in the 1940's and 1950's as many porgram's were conducted, and was always open on decoration days.

What would become the Lindsey Chapel Cemetery probably had its beginning with the earliest known grave and tombstone for Mary C. Robertson, b. Dec 5, 1845: d. Apr 26, 1846. Mary was the daughter of Thomas Edward and Jane Caroline (Jarrett) Robertson, and a granddaughter of Lindsey and Delilah. She was probably the first death in the ROBERTSON family after their move to Missouri. It was probably Lindsey who selected the high area across from the family home which is now just southeast of the corner of Lynn Avenue and Miller Road. Whether Lindsey and Delilah envisioned growth of their family burial site to a cemetery of over 570 graves will never be known.

Polly Hagewood was Lindsey's sister. Another sister was Lucy (1799-1849) the wife of Alexander McCullah. 
Robertson, Lindsey (I27664)
8430 Lisbet fekk med gift mann og klokkar Frerik Kramer (1739-1816) på Lindås sonen Fredrik f. 1797 på Kolås, ikkje med i FT 1801 så truleg død liten.
Gift med Niels Ingebrigtsen Syslach i 1798 (110/7). 
Lauvås, Lisbet Olsdtr. (I17687)
8431 Lisbet var gift 1814 med Ole Tolleivson Troås på Våge. Betrud, Lisbet Henriksdtr. (I42961)
8432 Lisbet var truleg frå Bergen. Ibsdatter, Lisbeth (I25030)
8433 Lisbeth døydde same dagen som ei dødfødd dotter. Fjellanger, Lisbeth Hansdtr. (I38795)
8434 Lisbeth og Grim vart gravfesta samme dagen. Toftetræet, Lisbeth Hansdtr. (I23248)
8435 Lisbeth og Johannes fikk to barn vi ikke kjenner navnet på: Dødfødt barn, Lisbeth intr. 15.05.1746, levende barn, Lisbeth intr. 04.06.1747 Lerøy, Lisbeth Olsdtr. (I3979)
8436 Lisbeth var enke på Skeie i 1875, hos sonen Lars. Birkeland, Lisabeth Nielsdtr. (I39548)
8437 Liscence 21 Apr 1822 Family F7378
8438 Litlekalsøy Aarland, Vilhelmina Samsonsdtr. (I12960)
8439 Little Sioux Valley and Anektirede Menigheder Norske Evangelisk Lutherske, , Buena Vista, Iowa Family F12520
8440 Liva var truleg fødd i Bergen, konfirmert 1780 frå Lerøyna. Ho hadde tent i fire år hos prestefrua Barbra Christi i 1784, då ho fekk ein premie, ei sølvkjede med ei forylt penge for "udmærked Huusfliid". Ho hadde vove lange stykke med striedreiel, bai og lerret, og fem floss ryer, og fru Christie hadde undervist henne. Dette stod å lesa i Bergens Adressecontoirs Eferretninger i 1783. Liva tente så på Skoge før ho gifta seg i 1792 med Villum Nilson Trengereid. Dei budde der. SSS band V, s 401. Skoge, Liva Olsdtr. (I26822)
8441 Lived 40 years in Chicago. Left 16000 dollars for her five sisters and two brothers when she passed in Stoughton 1929. Thompson, Gunhild 'Jennie' (I29764)
8442 Lived in Den Haag van der Raadt, Hubert Mathieu (I18901)
8443 Lived in Ireland, where he had moved with his mother and father from Scotland. He married in Ireland and had at least one son, Robert, who was born in Munster, Ireland 1630 . Dexal Shannon ibid. p. 1 Shannon, John (I20204)
8444 Lived in Kalispell, Flathead, Montana, USA Heimark, Endre Ols. (I32335)
8445 Lived in Katwijk, in Kerkte, in Oegstgeest, Zuid Holland. Parents could be Maarten Cornelisz van der Burgh & Claartje Claassen van der Fits. van den Burgh, Leendert Maartenz (I19700)
8446 Lived in Oregon (town) Clackamas, Oregon in 1920-census with her two daughters, registered as married, but John is not there. In Beaver Creek, Clackamas we find John S. Jones on his own on a farm he owns. The work on the farm may have took its toll, as his death is recorded in Oregon City in Oct 1920. Hanson Nordvig, Ella Mathilda (I29938)
8447 Lived in rural Seattle, King, Washington at time of death. Johnson, Anne Marie (I32266)
8448 Lived in South Galloway township. Stewart, Joseph Marion (I20840)
8449 Lived in Venice, California when she went to kindergarten (age 5), 1929.
In Sept 1929 Mildred and June was going to Leo in High River Alberta from California. This record states that June was born in Detroit. Later in October 1929 Leo, Mildred and June are headed from Long Beach California to Alberta and again they say that June is born in Detroit. She attended first grade in Kansas (age 6) and at age 7 (2nd grade) she was in a protestant school in Montreal, where she lived until she was 21. After attending the Rapid Shorthand College in Montreal, she took various clerical positions, including one in The Montrealer in 1941, at the sales audit office at Eaton's Department Store 1941-1944 and at Williams and Wilsons. From 1944 she was at Bell Telephone. 
Bessette, June Marie (I21051)
8450 Lived near Ashland, Boone County, Missouri.

Was considered the wealthiest man in Boone and neighbouring counties for a period of great many years. He owned a large estate and was an extensive stock breeder, and had 45 slaves who were quartered in twelwe cabins. He used his wealth and influence to good purpose and was very generous in his charities. He hired teachers from the east to teach his children, but he also invited children of his neighbors and poor families to participate.

Eli Bass was a member of "The Committee of Three" to contract and superintend the erection of the main edifice of the State University, and was one of the first Board of Curators by an Act of the General Assembly, February 11, 1839.

After his brother Theophilus died, Eli came to Taney County and took two of the children back to Boone County to educate them; Mary going to Howard-Payne College at Fayette, while John entered an Academy at Ashland. 
Bass, Ely Meredith (I20880)

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