Tofterå Slettemoen genealogy



Matches 9,351 to 9,400 of 13,135

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
9351 Married to Edna M Almond Massey, James Allen (I20869)
9352 Married to Edward Ihlen in 1914. Foss, Martha (I25403)
9353 Married to Elle Mae Osteen (1877-1949). Their children Leslie, Lela, John and Robert lived with his mother in Hope, Stephens, Oklahoma in 1920, and in 1930 in Panama, Kern, Ca, Jackline and Ella lived with Albert and James from Ellas first marriage and her son Jesse from her second.

Martha Jeanette Massey, 1895– 1966
Albert Leslie Massey, 1897– 1978
Maurice J. Massey, 1900– 1900
Lela Savannah Massey, 1903– 1986
James L Massey, 1905– 1937
Robert Massey, 1907– 1983 
Massey, Samuel Houston (I36500)
9354 Married to Ezra Billing Warner (1829-1900)
Sarah Alvira Warner, 1850 m. John W. Ebersole
Mary Selena Warner, 1852- m. Robert Locy, Pline Jones
John Philip Warner, 1854-
Annamaria Warner, 1856-1861
James Ewing Warner, 1859-
Milton Warner, 1861-
Ellora Warner, 1864- m. Tobias Holsinger
Lucretia May Warner, 1866-1904
Son, 1868-1869
Jeston Warner, 1873- 
Ewing, Mary Catharine (I28801)
9355 Married to Fannie Elizabeth Lipscomb Massey, Piercy Adolph (I20877)
9356 Married to Franciscus Koppies in 1847 in Hoorn. van der Raad, Alida (I24604)
9357 Married to Frederick Arthur Smith and William George Wagenhals. Chapman, Agnes Levenia (I27360)
9358 Married to General Joseph Powell 1830/5 in (Giles Co.), TN. Massey, Mary Jane (I20150)
9359 Married to George A. Hillebrecht Bass, Carrol Stone (I28728)
9360 Married to George Nelson in 1867, children John W., Jesse Richard, George P. Nelson and Ida Belle Deckard. Ida Belle was born 1877, and George is a widow in 1880. Shipley Brown, Sarah E. (I28990)
9361 Married to Gladys. Kolbensvik, Henry Bert (I11002)
9362 Married to Helen Olson b.22.03.1918 - d. July 1983. Daughter Marion. Olson, Erven (I10750)
9363 married to Hendrikus Konst on April 27, 1817 at Uithoorn, she was 20 years old. de Boer, Catharina (I24783)
9364 Married to Henricus Driever 1758-1839 Nass, Maria (I40021)
9365 Married to Hilda M. Steinbring (1915-2001), foreldra var Andrew J. Steinbring og Elise M. Baumgartner. Nelson, Clifford Henry (I28266)
9366 Married to Jacob Cornelisz van Doorn on 25 nov 1685 in Noordwijk. He was the son of Cornelis van Doorn (-1663) and Saartje Dovein. Steenvoorden, Annitie Dircksdr (I24945)
9367 Married to Jacoba van Schaik.

Rijks geschiedkundige publicatiën: Groote serie - Volum 95 - Side 505: 1 November 1762 werd ten huize van Fredrik Bromstrop, kastelein in het Nieuwe Heerenlogement te Amsterdam, door de makelaars Abraham Swartwout, Saling Aukes, Adam Adriaan Bardon, Arnoldus Ubink en Abraham Kluft Lamiou in publieke veiling gebracht het „Extraordinary Welbezeylt Fregat Schip genaarnt de Brabank...

1765 Lyste der naamen en woonplaatsen van de makelaars: op de Keyzersgraft, by de Reestraat
1773 Lyste der naamen en woonplaatsen van de makelaars: op de Fluweele Burgwal over 't Illustre School
1792 in de Sanitraat, *- naast de Zuider Kerk, ten huize van Iaac Schelte.

Ubink, Arnoldus (I24348)
9368 Married to Jacobus Bod van Steenderen, Anna Rachel (I24174)
9369 married to Jacobus Rietveld van Kooten, Cornelia (I24049)
9370 Married to Jacque E. and/or Sallie. Ewing, Elmore Ernest (I28774)
9371 Married to Jennifer Gunther. Stewart, Rory Garland (I20837)
9372 Married to Jimmy (Quemby) Wayne Robison. Children: Quemby b. 1939, Tulsa, James Wayne 1943-1975, Evelyn Sue m. Wilkins b. 1945, Jenks, OK. Robison, Dorothy Irene Olson (I10751)
9373 Married to Johanna Pronk van Loevezijn, Jacobus (I24814)
9374 Married to John Edwin McLain on Nov 19, 1901 in Wells. Ewing, Surelda Elizabeth (I28775)
9375 Married to Josephine S. Knutson 1917-1995 Knutson, Oscar J. (I28132)
9376 Married to Josephus van Berkel. van der Raad, Antonia (I24606)
9377 Married to Karl Andreas Olsen Hammersland, Fana Grimstad, Ingeborg Ragnhilde Larsdtr. (I23688)
9378 Married to Klaas Klinkenberg. Schravendijk, Immetje (I24540)
9379 Married to Laurens Alkemade van Schie, Henderika (I24821)
9380 Married to Letitia Maxwell Massey, 1868– 1936 Massey, Arthur Leroy (I20926)
9381 Married to Margit Strand and had nine children, six of whom died from difteria along with their mother. Remarried to Helene Lunde (who later married pastor Nilsen from Ål).
Lars Swenson was wounded in the Civil War. He was a senator. 
Swenson, Lars (I28171)
9382 Married to Maria de Roode and Maria Duivenvoorde. van der Ploeg, Lauwerens (I24948)
9383 Married to Maria van der Hulst. Oostveen, Arie (I24662)
9384 Married to Maria van Nes Ubink, Petrus (I24345)
9385 Married to Maria Wouterse van Mede (van Meegen) 29. april 1792 in Abcoude.
Regional History Center Vecht and Venen, Church records marriages
DTB R-K kerk Abcoude, deel 1, trouwregister, Breukelen, archive 1200, inventory number 1600.
Relatie komt ook voor op website Henk Dijkman en van Werner Overwater en van der Valk. 
Family F10090
9386 Married to Marienne.
He is also known as Abraham Courtelier, Correljé, Kornje. His parents were Pascal Cortillon and Marie. According to Jos van Kooten. 
Cortillon, Abraham Pascali (I24477)
9387 Married to May Marie Lee 1909, son Buster Harold Gresdel
Married to Mayme I. Wakefield (1891-1976) in 1915, son Dale Gresdal, daughter Dorothy Irene m. Uetz 
Gresdal, Kaspar Johan Larsen (I39008)
9388 Married to Nancy A. Piper (1842-1917) in 1861, she remarried John A. Brumfield. Massey, Thomas V. (I21235)
9389 Married to Nancy Burgess (1841-1883) in 1860. Weist, Soloman (I27857)
9390 Married to Nellie Fern Nellie Eichelberger. Bass, Alton Loren (I28723)
9391 Married to Oscar C. Asper, their son Charles Owen Asper born in Mower Co. 1936, daughter Shirley Mae Asper Schroeder b. 1932. Halvorson, Myrtle Ovedia (I16363)
9392 Married to Perrey Bruton, Springfield. Massey, Clara Bell (I20867)
9393 Married to Petra Lund, four children. Rudningen, Asle Ellings. (I28203)
9394 Married to Pieter Boelhouwer van der Meer, Emmerentiana (I24364)
9395 Married to Pieterie Dammas van Tol, Engel Willemsz (I24639)
9396 Married to Raul Fontana. Emigrated to Brazil in 1959
Two sons: Marcos and Alex Fontana
Marcos is married to Veronica, and have three kids Ezequiel, Clara and Laura. 
van der Raadt, Catharina Maria "Tineke" (I18892)
9397 Married to Ria van Veen, Wilhelmus Theodorus (I19739)
9398 Married to Robert Warren Streeter in DC, 1948 Streeter, Ruth Evelyn Nelson (I28269)
9399 Married to Russel Lee Brown (1913-1976). Croslow, Alice Imogene (I28981)
9400 Married to Theodora Aleida Artnz 1741-1817 Pruijss, Jacobus (I40029)

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