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Samuel Dinsmore
(1761-1829) |
Samuel Dinsmore
Generelle notater: He was a large, tall, strong-limbed farmer, and lived on a portion of the Dinsmore homestead in Ballywattick, where he died Nov 13, 1829 and is buried in Ballymoney Cemetery. Upon his tombstone in Ballymoney is this inscription: "Here lies the body of the late Samuel Dinsmore, of Ballywattick, who departed this life the 13th of Nov. 1829, aged 68 years; also his son, Robert, who departed this life the 18th of April, 1818, aged 18 ears." He and family were Presbyterians. His widow died in Bloomington, Ind, in 1847. He lived in a comfortable stone house, at the end of it is a fielld surrounded by trees, which make the place attractive and home-like. Samuel giftet seg med Mary Brewster i 1783 i Antrim, Ulster. (Mary Brewster ble født i 1762 i Antrim, Ulster og døde i 1847 i Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana, USA.) |
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