John Dinsmore
- Født: 1810, Ballywattick, Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland
- Ekteskap (1): Margaret Small i 1832 i Ballymoney Presbyterian Church
- Død: Etter 1891, Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana, USA
Generelle notater:
John succeeded his father on the home of his forefathers, in the parish of his birth. There he remained several years after the death of his father and in 1838, he, the last of the name there, left his native land, the old home of his people for several generations, and with his family an venerable mother removed to Bloomington, Indiana, were he has ever since lived, and where he resides in April 1891. Thus the ancestral home of the Dinsmores on Irish soil passed into the hands of others. It is occupied in 1891 by Archibald Usher. John and his family, his father and his family, are, and were, members of the Presbyterin Church. In a letter dated Oct. 1 1890, he says: "I hope and trust, through the intercession of the Lord and Saviour jesus Christ, that our names will e enrolled in the Book of Live". He married in 1832, Margaret Small, who died in 1882, at Bloomington Indiana.
John giftet seg med Margaret Small i 1832 i Ballymoney Presbyterian Church. (Margaret Small ble født ca. 1812 i Ballywattick, Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland og døde i 1882 i Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana, USA.)