Walter O. Owen
- Born: Aug 1707, Henrico, Mecklenburg, Virginia
- Marriage (1): Joyce Barnett in 1737 in Lunenburg, VA
- Died: 11 Jul 1765, Dry Creek, Lunenburg, Richmond, VA at age 57
General Notes:
Tax Lists 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753 (Tithes from 1 - 3) Lunenburg Parish, Richmond County, Virginia
Walter Owen noted in "Tree of Liberty", "Cavaliers and Pioneers", Abstract of Virginia. Land Patents and Grants 1 JUN 1750 Settled on Dray (Dry) Creek, Lunenberg County. Testified in Amelia Co., VA in 1762, gave his age as 54 years -He made his mark as 'O' not the typical 'X'. Many researchers list his middle initial as 'O', possibly derived from his mark. 'O' may not be his middle initial -In 1756 (Lunenburg Co Viriginia Order Book) Walter Owen was incarcerated for non-payment of debt. His bail was posted by his friend Richard Crews, who was also the father of Tabitha, his grandson William's wife.
Will: 29 Jan 1765 (Probate) Lunenburg Parish, Richmond County, Virginia -Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, p. 260 - 261, Walter Owen
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Walter Owen of Lunenburgh county being Sick and Weak in Body but in Perfect Sens & Memory do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament and desire it may be Recorded as such. In manner & form following, Viz - Item my Will & desire is that my loving Wife Joyce Owen shall have the use & Occupation of my whole Estate both real & personal during her natuaral life or widowhood and at her Death or Marriage it is my Will and desire that my Son Barnet Owen shall have all my Estate before Lent to my Loving Wife to him and his heirs forever and if my Son Barnet Owen should die without Lawful Issue my Desire is that my Estate shall be equally Divided between my three sons William Owen David Owen & Joseph Owen. Item - I do Nominate Ordain and appoint my son Barnett Owen whole and Sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I hav hereunto set my hand and Seale this twenty seventh day of January Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and Sixty five. Walter (his mark "O") Owen
Probate: 11 Jul 1765 Lunenburg Parish, Richmond County, Virginia
Walter married Joyce Barnett, daughter of William Barnett and Unknown, in 1737 in Lunenburg, VA. (Joyce Barnett was born circa 1709 in Lunenburg, VA and died in 1786 in Lunenburg, VA.)