Tofterå Slettemoen genealogy
Matches 9,651 to 9,700 of 13,135
# | Notes | Linked to |
9651 | Morfar til Siri Ravnanger f. 1966 | Halvorsen, Martin (I9534)
9652 | Morten kom til Rå i Fana fra Sunnfjord i 1735, hadde før budd nokre år på Liland. Budde seinare i Åletræet på Stend, døde på Fanahammaren 1767. Barn: Anna på Stend, Sjur død ung, Lussi i Åletræet, Abraham, Marta, Anna, Ola, 4 barn døde små. Morten var g2 med Sygni Willumsdtr. i 1766. | Moflaten, Morten Sjurs. (I12562)
9653 | Mosaga låg nede i mange år inntil Ola Slettemoen omkring 1860 bygde den opp att, då også som oppgangssag. Kring 1890 vart saga bygd om til sirkelsag, og om lag år 1900 fekk den også høvel. I åra då Bergensbanen vart bygd, kjøpte Ola og Ivar Slettemoen timmer og selde så materialane til anlegget. I 1921 vart saga selt til Olav O Nødre Reinton, Mikkel Slettemoen, Asle Bakka og Ola K Brøto for 3000 kroner. Frå 1926 vart Ola K Brøto eineeigar. Saga vart lagt ned i slutten av 1930 åra. Du kan enno sjå restar av Mosaga. Her finn me gamle reimskiver og hjulgangar og akslingen til vasshjulet ligg enno på bakken der vasshjulet i si stod. Mosaga vart heile tida drive av vasshjul. Vegvesenet tilbaud eigaren ein ny elektrisk motor då dei la om vegen i staden for at dei måtte mure fint opp vasskanalen – men eigaren sa nei, her skulle vera vasshjuldrift! Står du ved vasshjulakslingen og ser mot vest så ser du enno restar av murane som vassrennene har stått på. Dei var ganske høge, og det fins også restar av sjølve rennene litt lenger mot vest. Dei som ligg der i dag er restar at dei som vart laga til når saga vart bygd i år 1800. Oppe ved rennene er det også restar etter eit par små hus – det var felles slipesteinhus for Reintongardane og Slettemogardane. Hit måtte dei gå med ljårne for å få slipt dei i slåtten for grove (bekken) i Reintongardane var oftast turr om sumrane. Ein kan også framleis sjå litt av inntaket for vatnet til vassrennene. I tillegg til renna som førde vatn til vasshjulet var det også bygd ei renne ved sida av som ein brukte til å fløyte timrestokkane frå elva og inntil saga. Mosaga var ei flaumsag og berre i bruk i vår- og haustflaumane. Restar av høvelen frå år 1900 ligg også på sagtomta. Den vesle bakken på like før den blir borte i nyevegen heiter Sagbakken. | Slettemoen, Ola Ols. (I14058)
9654 | mother Maria Monfrino | Robiolio, Louise E. (I38660)
9655 | Mother named Christina Versteeg | Rouwen, Andries (I24189)
9656 | mother was Maria Turkenburg | Meijer, Pieter (I33057)
9657 | mother: Anna Maria Stebenbenann? | Kahn, Catharina (I33964)
9658 | Mother: Jannetje Jansdr van der Linden, father: Pieter Pietersz de Ridder | de Ridder, Pieter (I27401)
9659 | mother: Sara Amalia Fix | Fix, Johan Gerhard (I34016)
9660 | Mother: Theodora Brama | Brama, Theodora (I32946)
9661 | Motormann på MS Beranger i 1933, då hadde han vore til sjøs i to år. I Norge på besøk fleire ganger m.a. i 1947, 1951-1952, 1956, 1959, 1962. Barn: Sylvia Strand, Vivian Bayley, Carol Kasper, Norman S. Golten. | Golten, Sigurd (I35918)
9662 | Moved fairly early to the southern part of the colony, and was granted land in Anson County in 1757. | Dees, James (I31040)
9663 | Moved to Amsterdam 1816, and away in 1851/1852 houtzagersknecht | Moolenaar, Gerrit (I40041)
9664 | Moved to Amsterdam 1921. | Brockhoff, Sophia Theodora (I32843)
9665 | Moved to Georgia by 1784, and was living there by 1788, when a specially called Convention voted to ratify the U.S. Constitution and gave Georgia statehood. On Jun 15 1790 he is a witness to a case between John Calhoun and Wm. Boyd in Pendleton Co. On Feb 27 1798 he is a witness to a deed - Richard Davis and John Davis of South Carolina to William Boyd in Franklin Co. GA. 1800 Census of Pendleton District, SC, registered as Niblet Anderson with wife and three sons. 1810 SC census, Pendleton Dist. Noble Anderson heads a household consisting of 4 free white males (FWM) under the age of 10, 1 FWM of 10 and under 15, 1 FWM of 26 and under 45 (Noble Anderson); and 1 free white female (FWF) of 16 and under 26. 1816 - SC General Statutes, Vol U, pg 252 - In 1814 the Cherokee Indians ceded their lands along the Chattooga River in the upper tip of SC to the State of SC in Pendleton District. These lands then offered for sale - the Statute in the court records lays out terms and conditions for prospective buyers. It allowed for an initial bond payment and subsequent payments over a 3 year period. From the following, we believe Noble Anderson Sr. took advantage of this and purchased land in what previously was Indian land. Published in "City Gazette" (Charleston, SC) Vol. XL, Issue 12935, pg. 1 - 9 May 1820 1820 SC census, Pendleton Dist, Microfilm page 215, 25th entry. Noble Anderson heads a household consisting of 2 free white males (FWM) under the age of 10, 3 FWM of 10 and under 16, 2 FWM of 16 and under 26, 1 FWM over 45 (Noble Anderson); 1 free white female (FWF) under the age of 10, and 1 FWF of 26 and under 45. TREASURY OFFICE - Columbia, May 9, 1820 Notice is hereby given to Noble Anderson, Thomas Smith, E.M. Massey, Jane Poteat, Ira Nicholson, Wm. Beavort, David Kitchen, William Deadman, Philemon Crane, and Ralph Cobb respectively, and all other persons who have not yet paid the second instalment upon their Bonds, given for the purchase money of each Tract or Tracts of Land as may have been bought by them, at the sale of Public Lands lying in that part of Pendleton District, lately known as Teritory purchased by Treaty from the Cherokee Indians which was sold in March, 1818, at the house of Ephraim Massey, on the old Cherokee Boundary Line; that they and each of them, by delaying to pay the said second installment now due, have made default, and that unless the said second installment shall be paid within sixty days from the date hereof, together with the costs of this publication, the payments heretofore made will be forefeited and the lands purchased by them revert to the State. Benjamin T. Elmore Treasurer Upper Division Note: The same above ad ran into mid July 1820. The E.M. Massey shown on the above notice was Ephraim Massey, brother of James Massey who will move to Greene Co., Missouri. The above ad was found on Newspaper Archives subscription service. -- 1825 witness to a deed in Pendleton District. Old Pendleton District where Noble Anderson lived split into Pickens & Anderson counties about 1826 and the land where Noble's family lived fell into Pickens Co. Two deeds were discovered in Pickens Co. Deed records (LDS film 024270). Here is the abstracted version: 1830. The Noble Anderson sons were sitting in Rabun Co., GA in 1830 census waiting for their Cherokee Land Lottery draw. The below deed reference may refer to Noble Anderson Sr. who had recently lost a court case and who we do not see in GA in 1830. Noble Anderson Jr. is living in Rabun Co., GA in 1830. Deed BK - Vol. B1, pg. 306 - Sheriff William D. Sloan to Jesse George (of Rabun Co., GA) Sheriff Sloan states that he was ordered by the court 12 Oct 1832 to seize the "goods, chattels & tenements" of Noble Anderson to levy the sum of $42.49 to satisfy damages and court costs owed by Anderson. The sheriff describes lands taken as 288 acres situated in Pickens Co. known as Tract No. 1 lying on a bold branch of Long Creek adj. Doc. Wm. Hunter, dec'd and Mackey Brown. The land was sold at public sale for $20. to Jesse George of Rabun Co., GA for $20.00, paid by Thomas Blackburn (probably an attorney.) John Edwards & Edward Harris witnessed. 1840 GA census, Cherokee Co, Microfilm page 174. 12th entry. Noble Anderson heads a household of 1 free white male of 80 and under 90 ?; and 2 free white females, one of 60 and under 70, and one of 20 and under 30. 1850 GA census, Cherokee Co, Microfilm page 447A, line 1. Nobel Anderson, age 81, and Elizabeth, age 80, have one child, perhaps a grandson, in the home. Samuel Anderson is 10, born in Georgia. -- ** An application of membership to the Sons of the American Revolution for a decendant of a younger sister Rebecca (1808-1886) m. William Dinsmore 1838), states that Capt James Anderson (1750-1833) (some have him as Nobles father), soldier of the Pennsylvanian troops, was married to a Mary Stewart (1774-1847, m. 94), father of James was Patrick Anderson (1719-1793), grandparents were James Anderson and Elizabeth (illegible 'Jarnian'?). Record states that James was born in Chestero Co., Penn. in 1750. He served as a private in Capt. John Lacy's company, 4th battalion, Pennsylvania infantry, commanded by Col. Anthony Wayne. This regiment entered service in 1776, and took part of the battles of Long Island and Ticonderoga. He next enlisted in Col. Stepen Moylans regiment of Pennsylvania cavavalry and was commisioned Lieutenant. He was captured by the British and exchanged in December 1780. Other records have Noble's mother as Nancy Irwin (1760-1805), James may have remarried Rebecca's mother Mary at that time, but I believe this to be incorrect. This James is buried at Buffalo Village, Washington County, Pennsylvania with his wife Mary Stewart. If he was born 1762, he can not be Noble's father. The tombstone however says he was 82 years old when he died 29 Mar 1833, which indicates b. 1750.** Some records have the death of Noble's wife Elizabeth in Westmoreland 1814, but by then Noble was allready settled on the South Carolina/Georgia border. If this is correct, he must then have married a second Elizabeth who he later lives with in Georgia untill 1850. | Anderson, Noble Sr (I22251)
9666 | mr. chirurgijn | Lakeman, Gerhardus (I24890)
9667 | Mrs. Kari Próven, 49 aar. | Olsen, Kari (I36299)
9668 | Mrs. Mathes (Dorcas) was but a year old when brought to this State (Missouri) by her parents, and she early became familiar with the duties of pioneer liffe. First married to John D. Smith (1835-1856) on Apr 2, 1854 in Stone Co. They had a daughter Anna Josephine who died 1875. Dorcas and judge Mathes had the children Mattie, Mary Frances, Nancy Ellen, William D, James R and John Wiley. Mary Frances was born shortly after Dorcas' mother died. | Anderson, Dorcas Guest (I21092)
9669 | Mrs. Vebjorn (Olava) Sondreal, resident of this community since territorial days. Mrs. Sondreal was born at Ringerike, Norway, Jan. 25, 1867, and came to the United States in 1870 with her parents (Thor T. and Margit). After a brief residence in Iowa, they came to Hatton, then Dakota Territory. She was married to Mr. Sondreal in 1884 and they farmed northwest of Hatton for 44 years before retiring. Mr. Sondreal preceded her in death. She leaves seven sons, George, Arthur, Knute, Bernhard and Ingebrit of Northwood, Martin of Hatton and William of Fargo; three daughters, Mrs. Peter Dahl and Mrs. Oscar Gaardsrud, both of Northwood, and Mrs. Beata Hjelmen of Grand Forks; an adopted daughter, Guri Langager of Northwood; 12 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Three sons, Engebrit, Gilbert and Thor, and a daughter, Mrs. Ole Langager, preceded her in death. Hatton Free Press, Feb. 3, 1955 Thor V. Sondreal 1884-1916 Gilbert V. Sondreal 1888-1916 Engebrit b.? Martin V. Sondreal 1888-1964 Guri 1891- Margit Sondreal Dahl 1893-1987 Beata 1896-1876 Knute V. Sondreal 1898-1978 George V. Sondreal 1900-1959 Olga 1902-1997 William Oscar Sondreal 1904-1986 Bernard V. Sondreal 1906-1980 Engebret V. Sondreal 1909-1999 Arthur V. Sondreal 1912-1984 Two Brothers Drown in Goose River Thor and Gilbert Sondreal Lost Their Lives While Bathing in the Goose River Last Saturday Evening The Goose River claimed its first victims of the season last Saturday evening when Thor and Gilbert Sondreal were drowned when bathing near their home west from the city. The two boys had come in from work and just finished filling some barrels with water which they were hauling to water the stock. After finishing their job of filling the water barrels they were going in swimming and Thor, the oldest of the brothers, was the first to get in and it seems as though as soon as he struck the water he was taken with a cramp and commenced to sink. He called for help and his brother Gilbert jumped in to help him. He however was unable to do anything to assist him and they both went down. Word was sent to this city and to the neighbors and there was soon plenty of help there to search for the bodies. The body of Thor was found at about 11 o'clock on Saturday evening, and was taken to the Olson, Hegg Undertaking rooms in this city. The search was continued all night for the other body but that was not found until the next afternoon. Thor the oldest of the boys was 31 years of age and Gilbert was 28. They were sons of Vebjorn Mikkelson Sondreal and were both young men of excellent habits. The funeral services were held from the Goose River church and was attended by one of the largest crowds that ever gathered at the church. The church could not begin to accommodate the crowd so the windows were all opened and the automobiles and carriages were lined up on the outside so the people could hear the services. The services were in charge of Rev. Eikeland of the church and he was assisted by Rev. Tjornhom of this city and by Rev. Hovland of Bethel church. - Hatton Free Press, July 13, 1916 | Torgerson, Olava (I27731)
9670 | Much of this content is based on a biographical sketch in an 1882 book, "History of Clinton County, Ohio", page 1094. Without this sketch of Thompson Douglass, connected to Martha thru a Douglass-Taylor marriage in 1795 in York County, Pennsylvania, I doubt I would even know Martha's name, much less anything about her life. Martha Steel Taylor was born in Newark, New Jersey "of American parentage" per the 1882 book noted above. This evidently means her parents were born in America and not foreign-born as was the case of her husband whose parents were Irish immigrants. No birth date was given for Martha, but it appears she was born around 1755 based on Census records. Martha was married to James Taylor in Chester, Pennsylvania 10 Feb 1773 and then moved to York County which is 2 counties west of Chester (Lancaster County in between). As was the usual experience for married women of this era, Martha bore many children: 11 per the 1882 book. Her first child, in fact, was born about 9 1/2 months after her wedding day! While the 1882 book provided Mary's birth date, it gave no others. Martha and James' children, per the Thompson Douglass bio sketch, are listed here: --- 1. Mary Taylor: 28 Nov 1773, York County, Pennsylvania- 2 Nov 1855, Clinton County, Ohio. Married James Douglass 27 October 1795 in York County, PA. --- 2. David Taylor: born ~ 1775, York County, Pennsylvania --- 3. Jane Taylor: born ~ 1777, York County, Pennsylvania --- 4. Elizabeth Taylor: born ~1780, York County, Pennsylvania --- 5. James Steel Taylor: born ~1782, York County, Pennsylvania --- 6. Reuben Taylor: born ~1785, York County, Pennsylvania. Co-Executor of his father's Will. --- 7. Jemima Taylor: born ~1788, York County, Pennsylvania, died ~ 1865, Caldwell County, Missouri. Married Patrick Douglass (nephew of sister Mary's husband, James) ~ 1809, Columbiana County, Ohio. --- 8. Deborah Taylor: born ~ 1790, York County, Pennsylvania --- 9. Enoch Taylor: born ~ 1792, York County, Pennsylvania, died 19 Aug 1841 (or 1844 per FAG Memorial), Columbiana County, Ohio. [Note: The part of Columbiana County Enoch was likely born in became part of Mahoning County, Ohio in 1846.] Married Barbara, date unknown. Co-Executor of his father's Will. ---10. Elijah Taylor: born ~1794, York County, Pennsylvania ---11. John Taylor: born Nov 1797, York County, Pennsylvania, died 27 April 1852, Mahoning County, Ohio. Buried in Old Brunstetter Cemetery. Married Elizabeth ~1825, likely in Columbiana County, Ohio. Had at least 7 children with Elizabeth. Martha died prior to the date her husband wrote his Will: 3 Aug 1831. Since it seems she was included in the 1830 Census, it would seem she died sometime between the date of the 1830 Census and August 1831. I am very happy to know this much about Martha Steel Taylor, my 4X Great Grandmother, and am honored to compile here what I know of her life. Source: Vicki Edwards, 31 March 2018 4X Great Granddaughter of Martha Steel Taylor | Steel, Martha (I27940)
9671 | Mülheim-Kärlich is two joined towns in the district Mayen-Koblenz, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, south of Bonn, on the Rhine. Irlich is across the river. | Anhaeuser, Joanni Georgio (I33914)
9672 | Mulig det er hun som er fosterdatter hos Johanne Johnsen Brom i Theatergaden 5A i 1891. | Andersen, Olga Serine (I37502)
9673 | Mulig det er hun som er gift på Hellevang i Førde i 1875. | Grønhaug, Hanna Sørensdtr. (I36413)
9674 | Mulig det er vår Henricha vi finner som tjenestepike på Orkerød i 1801: | Pettersdtr., Henricca (I363)
9675 | Mulig hun er "Ingebor", enke for annen gang som bor hos Halvor Tostens. på Østervold i 1801. Søsteren Eli er også på Østervold i 1801 med mannen Lars Olsen. | Østervold, Inger Torsteinsdtr. (I11810)
9676 | Mulig identisk med Olle Gregorsen 8 s Verpe Bremanger (1701) | Nesje, Ole Gregorius. (I16676)
9677 | Mulig sønn av Michel på Sjurset. Mulig gift med Magelij Ellingsdtr. 49 år i 1665. | Væraas, Jon Michels. (I8012)
9678 | Mulige kandidater: Aalit, døpt 01 Nov 1750 Årstad Foreldre gift: 23 Apr 1741 Anders Tollevsen og Ahlet Nilsdtr. Korskirken. Anders var forpakter på Landaas, gift andre gang i 1758 med enken Ingeborg Larsdtr. i St. Jørgen. Skiftet etter Aalet Nielsdatter Landaas store ble holdt 3. mai 1758. Enkemannen Anders Tollefsen var forpakter, og sammen hadde de barna Niels Andersen, 16, Tollef, 4, Marthe, 14, Abbelone, 10, Aalet og Elen, begge 8 år. Alderen hennes stemmer følgelig svært bra med konen på Fana prestegard i 1801. Aalet Nilsdatter var fra Slåtten i Jølster, og giftet seg med enkemannen Anders Tollefsen, også fra Jølster. Flere i denne familien tok etternavnet Busch, bl.a. stesønnen til Aalet, kjøpmann Andreas Busch i Bergen, og helsøstrene hennes Elen og Marthe. Aalet Andersdtr. Landaas er sannsynligvis ikke identisk med Alida Abelone Busch. Anders død: Anders Tollefsen m 89 fra Landaas, 3 død fra 4de Novbr til 5te ... Nov 10 1792 SJ Eller denne: Ahles, døpt 28.5.1747 Domkirken Foreldre: Anders Povelsen dixlemand og Christiance Povelsdtr. i Kieldersmue Men dette kan være hennes død: Ahlid Andersdatter k 30 af manufacturet 108 1776 SJ Eller denne: Aaled, f . Jul 12, døpt Jul 17 1750, Korskirken Foreldre: Anders Olsen landsoldat og Mette Siversdtr boer paa Skudevigsvejen Eller foreldrene Anders Rasmussen Tonning (1699– 1778) og Ingeborg Mathiasdatter (1700– 1762) på Kirkeeide i Eid. | Fana, Alida Andersdtr. (I12328)
9679 | Munk-slekten av 1 Rose, eide Ellinggaard og som gjennom kvinneledd skal nedstamme fra en sønn, stamfar til Løvenbalk-slekten, som var en uekte sønn av Christoffer II på slutten av 1200-tallet. | Munk, Dorte Christiansdtr. (I9218)
9680 | Murarbeider. 1902 konfirmert fra Villesvik. Bosted 1920: Solheims Barak 17 v 141. | Vellesvik, Hans Ananias Andreas. (I32592)
9681 | Murarsvein. Foreldra var Ole Frederik Knudsen og Elen Marie Wetteland. Emigrerte via Newcastle i 1907 mot San Francisco, California. Familien vart igjen heime i første omgang. | Knudsen, Fredrik Axel Schiøtz (I39663)
9682 | Mursvenn i Skivebakken 35 i folketellingen 1912. | Holsen, Peder Kristiansen (I39734)
9683 | Musqueter ved 2de comp I 1829 busatt i rode 21-89, som er Øvre Fjellsmug, mellom Vetrlidsalmenningen og Øvre Korskirkeallmenning. Døydde som afskediget soldat med bosted rode 21-57. | Krokeide, Johannis Niels. (I676)
9684 | Mutueel testament 1794, A26681000304, pagina 297 | Strootman, Pieter Hendrik (I34084)
9685 | Mye tyder på at hun var søster til Kirsten Pedersdatter, gift med Johans Olsen Glæsnes på Øvre Golta. | Toft, Martha Pedersdtr. (I5565)
9686 | Mykje talar for at kona til Arne kom frå Lerøy. | Skoge, Arne Erichs. (I6913)
9687 | Mykje talar for at kona til Erich kom frå Bakka, og var datter til Ingebrigt Wincentsen Hamre. | Skoge, Erich Lars. (I6001)
9688 | Myljo Slettemoen er skilt ut frå Søre Slettemoen i 1823 og Ola var fyrste brukar. Stolphuset er frå omlag 1840, loftet frå 1870. | Slettemoen, Ola Ols. (I14052)
9689 | Myren ligg sørned for Bøkko i Sudndalsåsen. Garden er ein av dei høgstliggande i Hallingdal, 938 moh. FØrste eigar var Ola Torbjørnson som før hadde vore i Ynglesdalen (Mestølen). Han kom til Myren med huslyden og rudde og bygde der etter at siste borna var fødde, tvillingane Ingeleiv og Herborg i 1759. Borna var fart fødde på Strønden, og foreldra vart kalla Langestrand eller Strandelien då dei hadde born til dåpen. Barna voks opp i Myren. Hol 3, s. 598. | Ynglesdalen, Ola Torbjørns. (I28046)
9690 | Mødrene var søstre. | Family F13405
9691 | Møllearbeider i Vaksdal mølle. Bruk nr. 18 Vaksdal, fradelt 16 (kalt Madlijorda eller Andersane) | Kvittingen, Johannes Johannes. (I13325)
9692 | Møllearbeider på Kobbeltveit i 1910. | Tellnes, Rasmus Ols. (I23991)
9693 | Møllendal | Karlsen, Alfred Martin (I42062)
9694 | Møller, bodde i Synken i 1910. | Vaksdal, Hans Hans. (I31640)
9695 | Møllerdreng, senere forpakter i Sandviken. !DEATH: Digitalarkivet, Døde i Bergen 1668-1815; ; ; ; ; . . Nils Christiansen M 47 E, Pagter Paa Mad. Detlovs Gaard, Sandvig. 1-5, Thunæs, 1763. 702 Feb 13 1810 FRED.BOL | Hopland, Niels Christians. (I14667)
9696 | Mønstra på som byssegutt i 1918, båten hette Laval County. I 1920 drev han fiske med notbruk, var midlertidig på Osterøy i folketellingen. Budde i Loddefjord då han vart gift i Nykyrkja med Olga i 1932. Var på tankbåt som gikk mye på Skålevik, bodde der da Arnold var liten. Da tyskerne kom tok de over huset i Skålevik, da flyttet familien til Måløy for godt. | Toft, Arnt Kristoffer Hans. (I2111)
9697 | N.D. AS, USNR, WWII AS = Apprentice Seaman, US Naval Reserve | Anderson, Gordon Sigurd (I41090)
9698 | naaister m. Johannes Jacobus Vesseur in 1928 | Brockhoff, Alida Maria Petronella (I32845)
9699 | naaister | Brockhoff, Anna Maria Elisabeth Josephina (I32848)
9700 | Naam Steenzager komt verder alleen voor op overlijdensacte van zoon Laurentius. Verder bestaat deze achternaam niet in Nederland. Echte achternaam is Ravestein. Source: Stamboom Van Vliet by R. van Vliet | Ravestein, Catharina (I24453)